New deadline to submit data for Soybean Yield Benchmarking Project

March 3, 2016 10:48 AM
Blog Post

The deadline for farmers to submit data for the "Soybean Yield Benchmarking Project" has been extended to April 1, 2016.soybean field

The “Soybean Yield Benchmarking Project” is a collaborative effort and is funded by soybean checkoff funds through the North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP). Iowa State University Extension and Outreach specialists, Daren Mueller, extension plant pathologist, and I are asking soybean farmers to provide yield and agronomic data specific to their soybean production fields by April 1 for a three-year project to identify key factors that prohibit soybean farmers from obtaining yields that are potentially attainable on their respective farms.

The project will benchmark current yield and management practices in producer fields across each participating state to identify key management factors that can be used by individual producers to increase soybean yield on their farms with input-use efficiency that will improve bottom-line net profit.

We will conduct an in-depth analysis of what factors might be causing a yield gap from the data we receive. We intend to provide annual reports to all soybean farmers based on our analysis of the data collected from farms across Iowa and major soybean growing areas of the Midwest.

Click here for more information about the project.

How to participate
Complete the fillable PDF to submit your soybean yield and agronomic data. All data submissions will be kept strictly confidential. Farmer name, mailing address, and email address are asked only to provide summary results back to the survey participants. Identifying information will not be associated with the individual field survey information. If you still want to omit your name, address and email, that is acceptable, as well.

To submit your field information, you can email the fillable PDF to or mail it in to the following address:

Mark Licht
2104M Agronomy Hall
Ames, Iowa 50011


Mark Licht Associate Professor

Dr. Mark Licht is an associate professor and extension cropping systems specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. His extension, research and teaching program is focused on how to holistically manage Iowa cropping systems to achieve productivity, profitability and en...