Integrated Crop Management News

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Degree Days - Cool is cool

June 9, 2009
Image of base 50 degree F degree days in regions of Iowa from May 1 to June 7, 2009

By Rich Pope, Corn and Soybean Initiative

The month of June opened with a cool week, with about 80 percent of the normal heat accumulated between May 31 and June 7.  Although a bit warmer weather would accelerate crop development, Iowa crops are progressing nicely in most areas.

Size Restrictions for Postemergence Herbicides in Corn

June 8, 2009
Table of size restrictions for postemergence herbicides in corn

By Bob Hartzler, Department of Agronomy

While most farmers and applicators have good intentions to apply herbicides in a timely fashion, it isn’t uncommon for equipment limitations or weather to result in delayed applications. Nearly all postemergence herbicides have restrictions on how late in the season they can be delayed. 

Early Signs of Corn Stress

June 5, 2009
Image of striped corn leaves dues to environmental stress

By Roger Elmore and Lori Abendroth, Department of Agronomy

Iowa weather conditions this spring resulted in wide ranges in corn plant color - from green to yellow-green to purple and some with stripes. The color variability in most of our fields is not a cause for alarm as the plants simply reflect the 2009 environment to date. Above- and below-ground growth is slowed with low temperatures, despite the plentiful moisture and sunshine we have had. A few days of sun and warmer temperatures will change plant colors quickly.

Growers, Check Corn Stands NOW

June 4, 2009
Image of wireworm damage in corn

Go to the fields NOW and scout for early-season insects, even in unexpected places such as fields planted with Poncho 250 treated seed.

Degree days - Crops in Good Condition Despite Cool Temperatures

June 3, 2009
Image of base 50 degree F degree days in regions of Iowa from May 1 to May 31 2009

by Rich Pope, Corn and Soybean Initiative

The 2009 growing season finished off May a bit cool, with degree day accumulations for only one of the nine crop reporting districts, west central, besting its long-term average. May was marginally cooler in the east, although that is not a problem, and crops are off to a great start statewide. 

Degree day map for May 31

June 1 Iowa Crop and Weather Report

June 2, 2009

By Doug Cooper, Extension Communications Specialist

The June 1 Iowa crop and weather report includes interviews with Iowa State University Extension climatologist Elwynn Taylor, integrated pest management specialist Rich Pope, and soybean agronomist Palle Pedersen.

Pedersen reports soybean planting is near complete. He says the time is right to go to the fields and count stands to determine if replanting may be necessary.

Taylor talks of El Niño's return by early August, which could benefit soybeans more than corn.

Dynamic Black Cutworm Action Threshold

May 27, 2009

Make decisions about treating black cutworm by placing current economic and yield factors into a spreadsheet designed by ISU Extension specialists. Spreadsheet is downloadable from this article.
