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The new crop season is right around the corner, and we want you to be prepared for yield-reducing disease, insect and weed issues! ISU Extension publications are great field scouting resources and provide a wealth of information for identifying production issues in your fields.
Four ISU Extension publications are now offered at substantial savings when purchased in boxed quantities. These include the Corn and Soybean Field Guide, the Weed Identification Field Guide, Soybean Diseases and Corn Diseases.
- Soybean Diseases, recently updated, is available as single copies for $5 each, but can be ordered in boxed quantities of 50 for a reduced price of $3.50 per publication. More details here.
- Corn Diseases, revised in 2017, also retails for $5 per copy with a reduced price of $3.50 each for ordering in boxes of 50. More details here.
- The Corn and Soybean Field Guide is normally $15 for a single copy. However, if you purchase a bundle of 25, you only pay $10 per copy. More details here.
- The Weed Identification Field Guide 2nd Edition, normally $10 per hard copy, is less than $8 per guide if you purchase a box of 44 copies. More details here.
Why buy?
- Soybean Diseases is a 40-page, full color compendium with scouting tips, disease descriptions, hi-resolution images and general recommendations for disease management. Also included are illustrated disease cycles for many diseases, a foliar disease estimation chart, and soybean growth and development and staging information.
- Corn Diseases helps farmers and agriculture professionals identify and scout for corn diseases and provides general recommendations for management. Also included in this 48-page resource are illustrated disease cycles for primary diseases, a foliar disease estimation chart, and corn growth and development and staging information.
- The Corn and Soybean Field Guide includes updated text and 375 images, illustrations, diagrams and tables to assist farmers with identifying corn and soybean diseases, insects and disorders found throughout the Midwest. This 158-page guide focuses on development stages, pesticide decisions and production-related topics, and for the first time, has information on newer soybean viruses to help you when scouting fields this summer.
- The pocket-sized Weed Identification Field Guide 2nd Edition, contains 35 illustrations and more than 250 high-quality photographs of weeds found in Iowa. Palmer amaranth information was added to the 108-page field guide, and information on herbicide resistance and management was updated from the first edition.