Join us April 6-10 for the "Essential Row Crop Management" Webinar Series!

March 31, 2020 7:55 AM
Blog Post

Extension specialists in Iowa and Minnesota are collaborating to provide a series of short, daily webinars for farmers, ag professionals, Extension personnel and other interested parties from April 6 to April 10. The theme is “Essential Row Crop Management" for spring 2020, with a focus on key topics to be addressed prior to the planting season.

Each webinar will start at 1:00 p.m. with a 10 to 15 minute discussion followed by time for questions and answers. Since fieldwork and planting season is upon us, sessions will be limited to 30 minutes.

These webinars are free and open to all. Topics and presenters are listed below. 

  • April 6: “Top 3 tips for cover crop termination” with Meaghan Anderson, Extension Field Agronomist, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
  • April 7: “Grain storage management for spring” with Shawn Shouse, Extension Ag Engineer, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
  • April 8: “Management of fertilizer spread patterns” with Ryan Bergman, Program Coordinator, and Matt Darr, Professor, ISU Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
  • April 9: “Pre-emergence herbicide programs” with Lisa Behnken, Extension Educator, Crops, University of Minnesota.
  • April 10: “Tillage options this spring” with Jodi DeJong-Hughes, Extension Educator, Water Resources, University of Minnesota

For more information about the series and to register, go to:

Once you register, you will be able to watch any or all of the webinars. If you cannot attend in person, a recording of each session will be posted after the webinar series concludes, with no registration necessary. Additional resources on each topic will also be provided through the website above.


Meaghan Anderson Field Agronomist in Central Iowa

Meaghan Anderson is a field agronomist in central Iowa and an extension field specialist at Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Educational programming is available for farmers, agribusinesses, pesticide applicators, certified crop advisors, and other individuals interested in...

Angie Rieck-Hinz Field Agronomist in NC Iowa

Angie Rieck-Hinz is a field agronomist in north central Iowa for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. She has worked for ISU Extension and Outreach for over 30 years, serving in various roles on campus and now in the field.  She works closely with farmers on integrated pes...