CropsTV Weekly Outlook (Jan. 18, 2021)

January 17, 2021 6:00 PM
Blog Post

CropsTV is entering week 8. If you are not one of the more than 850 people already registered, do not be left out. You can still watch all 45 episodes of CropsTV. There are, 10 live episodes in the last 3 weeks of CropsTV and all 45 episodes will be available on-demand through February. Learn more and register here today. You can view the full 10-week program, but read on to check out a quick preview of our week six presentations.


Tuesday, January 19 at 9 to 10 a.m.

  • Electrocuting weeds and grinding up weed seeds: Insight into some non-conventional weed management tools for use in our conventionally minded agricultural systems

Kevin Bradley, professor, Plant Sciences and state extension weed specialist, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO

Albert Einstein said that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Throughout my entire career, I have watched waterhemp develop resistance to each and every “next best solution” herbicide that has come onto the market, and the result is that we now have very few viable herbicide options left for the control of this species. No doubt the future of waterhemp management will still involve herbicides, but it’s clear we need a new approach. In this presentation, we will discuss our impressions of two “new” technologies that we have evaluated over the past several seasons; the Seed Terminator and the Weed Zapper. Both of these implements are designed to prevent waterhemp seed from ever returning to the soil. Currently, adoption rates of both of these implements are essentially zero in conventional U.S. agriculture, but you might find these non-conventional weed management tools worth a second look.


Wednesday, January 20 at 9 to 10 a.m.

  • Impact of cereal rye cover crop on phosphorus loss with surface runoff in corn-soybean rotations managed with no-till or tillage

Antonio Mallarino, professor and extension soil fertility specialist, Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

No Corn Belt research has investigated the effect of cover crops on dissolved phosphorus loss with surface runoff, although there is information about benefits for reducing soil erosion and nitrate loss with subsurface drainage. This presentation will share results of a six-year study of the value of cereal rye cover crops to reduce losses of both dissolved and soil-bound phosphorus with surface runoff in corn-soybean rotations.


Wednesday, January 20 at 1 to 2 p.m.

  • A review of Iowa's first year growing hemp: Permits, growing and harvest

Robin Pruisner, state entomologist and ag security coordinator, Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship, Ankeny, IA; Angela Rieck-Hinz, Extension field agronomist, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

2020 was the first year Iowans were allowed to grow hemp and with that came many challenges from both a regulatory and growing perspective. This talk will review the status of hemp permits in Iowa and will summarize data collected from Iowa hemp growers. A brief outlook for the 2021 hemp growing season will also be shared.


Thursday, January 21 at 9 to 10 a.m.

  • Climate variability across Iowa and the science of seasonal predictability

Justin Glisan, State Climatologist of Iowa, Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship, Des Moines, IA

The climate system is complex and has many features that impact short-term forecasts and long-term outlooks. The webinar will highlight dominate climate signals that impact Iowa along with a discussion of seasonal predictability and what can be expected in 2021.


CropsTV is presented with support from the Iowa Corn Growers Association and the Iowa Soybean Association. All times are CST.


Meaghan Anderson Field Agronomist in Central Iowa

Meaghan Anderson is a field agronomist in central Iowa and an extension field specialist at Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Educational programming is available for farmers, agribusinesses, pesticide applicators, certified crop advisors, and other individuals interested in...

Mark Licht Associate Professor

Dr. Mark Licht is an associate professor and extension cropping systems specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. His extension, research and teaching program is focused on how to holistically manage Iowa cropping systems to achieve productivity, profitability and en...

Rebecca Vittetoe Field Agronomist in EC Iowa

Rebecca Vittetoe is an extension field agronomist in east central Iowa. Educational programs are available for farmers, agribusiness, pesticide applicators, and certified crop advisors.

Areas of expertise include agronomy, field crop production and management of corn, soybeans, and...