Webinar to be offered on June 3 “Ongoing Impacts from the 2019 Harvest and Early 2020 Crop Forecast”

May 28, 2020 2:58 PM
Blog Post

Iowa State’s Dr. Charles Hurburgh will be presenting on the topic “Ongoing Impacts from the 2019 Harvest and Early 2020 Crop Forecast” as an installment in the Grain Elevator and Processing Society’s summer learning series, sponsored by Sukup Manufacturing Co.  This webinar is being offered on June 3 at 10 a.m. Central Time at no cost, and registration can be completed by clicking the link here or you can copy and paste the following into your browser:https://zoom.us/webinar/register/1715895679458/WN_D1sFdj92QhuO_9jsrrNO0g

Dr. Hurburgh, a professor in the department of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering, will explore the ongoing impacts of the 2019 harvest, including; poor quality grain, lack of grain storage space, market pricing, overall economy and other impacts. The session will also touch on very early forecasting of the 2020 crop, what to expect and start potentially planning for.


Charles Hurburgh Professor, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Dr. Charles R. Hurburgh, Charlie to most everyone, is a native Iowan from Rockwell City (Iowa, USA). He continues to operate the family farm, and is a professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at Iowa State University. He has a bachelor's degree, master's degree, and doctoral degree fr...