Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic update 7/7/2016

July 7, 2016 11:24 AM
Blog Post

Since the last clinic update (6/17/2016), we are starting to transition from seedling diseases to foliar diseases. There is quite a bit of concern from clients about getting an early jump on foliar diseases, in order to plan for foliar fungicide applications. Similarly to the last blog, a majority of our sample are coming in with some sort of herbicide damage or other abiotic disorder. Here is what we have diagnosed, disease wise, in the last couple of weeks:

Anthracnose leaf blight (Hardin and Story counties)

Fusarium sp./spp. (Story County)

Bacterial stalk rot (Sweet corn) (Lucas county)

Northern corn leaf blight (Story county)

Fusarium sp./spp. (Cass, Davis, Hardin, Marion and Polk counties)

Bacterial pustule (Story county)


Ed Zaworski Plant Pathology Diagnostician

Edward R. Zaworski is a plant diagnostician in the Iowa State University Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic. He earned his master's degree in plant pathology in 2010, with a focus on field crop diseases.
