Elizabeth Danielson
To maintain your private pesticide applicator certification, you must either pass an exam every three years or attend an approved Private Continuing Instruction Course (P-CIC) between December 1 and April 15 each year your certification card covers.
In-Person Training
The best...
Due to 2023 court decision, questions continue about the use of chlorpyrifos on agricultural crops for 2024. The following chlorpyrifos products may be used on corn and soybean according...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is asking for public comment on Dicamba, Glufosinate-P, and Acephate.
New Use for Dicamba Product
Bayer CropScience has requested the EPA to register a new use of dicamba on dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton.
Proper spray nozzle selection plays a key role in effective pesticide applications. There are a lot of useful sprayer nozzle selection guides and even online resources or apps to assist with nozzle selection.
One additional new resource applicators may find useful is a new Purdue...
Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) is your first line of defense against pesticide exposure. PPE includes items such as gloves, coveralls, aprons, and respirators. Generally, as the toxicity of a pesticide increases, the more PPE items there are required.
Read the Label
...It is important to read and follow all label instructions before applying a pesticide to...
Recent court cases have brought changes to two pesticides with agricultural uses.
Chlorpyrifos legal for 2024
In late 2023, the Eighth Circuit court rejected the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2021 Final Rule revoking all food tolerances for the organophosphate...
To maintain your private pesticide applicator certification, you must either pass an exam every three years or attend an approved Private Continuing Instruction Course (P-CIC) between December 1 and April 15 each year your certification card covers.
In-Person Training
The best...
When a pesticide application moves beyond the application site to a place it’s not wanted – known as pesticide drift – it can cause damage to acreages, gardens, and landscape plants. Pesticide drift can occur virtually anywhere – in rural areas, towns, and cities.
Are You Sure It’...
When selecting a pesticide, make sure you read the label to ensure that you have the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) needed...
This is the final article in a 3-part series for private pesticide applicators. Part 1 focused on remaining continuing instruction courses to maintain...
A new Aerial Application Manual (CS 26) is now available for individuals planning to take the aerial applicator exam to become certified or renew their certification. This manual will assist aerial applicators and aerial applicator consultants in preparing to take the commercial pesticide...
If you have experienced a suspected dicamba incident contact the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) at 515-281-8591 to file a report. You may file an “Incident Report” or a “Documentary Report” with the IDALS Pesticide Bureau.
Reporting dicamba incidents helps...
The Disposal module within the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship website was recently revised and expanded. The new version, available at https://pesticidestewardship.org/disposal/, has additional content on disposal options for excess...
According to a recent State Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act Issues Research and Evaluation Group (...
Under the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) as revised in 2015, there are specific requirements for handlers when pesticide labels require the use of a respirator. Handlers are employees, owners, and family members who apply, load, unload, rinse pesticide application equipment or do other tasks...
Under the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) as revised in 2015, agricultural workers and pesticide handlers must be trained annually in pesticide safety.
Who needs to be trained?
Both agricultural workers (people employed to perform work activities related to the...
A web-based national Worker Protection Standard (WPS) course to qualify trainers to train both workers and handlers is now...
A collection of educational resources to help people on farms, orchards, forests, and other agricultural establishments comply with EPA’s revised Worker Protection Standard (WPS) regulation is now available online at http://pesticideresources.org/wps...