Southeast Iowa Agricultural Research Association Annual Meeting on March 1

February 13, 2018 9:10 AM
Blog Post

Farmers and agriculture suppliers will want to attend the Southeast Iowa Agricultural Research Association annual meeting at the Johnson County Extension office in Iowa City on Thursday, March 1, 2018 beginning at 10:00 a.m., according to association president Jeff Ellis.

Following a brief business meeting, the day will feature an update on activities at the Iowa State University (ISU) Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm by President Ellis and Superintendent Myron Rees and presentations on “2018 Crop Market Outlook” by Chad Hart, ISU Agricultural Economist, “Dicamba Outlook for 2018” by Kristine Tidgren, Director of the Iowa State University Center for Ag Law and Taxation, “Using ISU Weather, Soil Moisture, and Temperature Station Data for Decision Making” by Elwynn Taylor, ISU Climatologist, and “Crop Rotation and Profitability Research Results” by Matt Liebman, ISU Professor of Agronomy.

The meeting, including lunch, will be provided at no charge and will conclude at 3:00 pm.  Certified Crop Advisor Continuing Education Units will be available.

For more information, contact Meaghan Anderson (, Greg Brenneman ( or Ryan Drollette ( at (319) 337-2145, Rebecca Vittetoe (rka8@iastate,edu) at (319) 653-4811, or Virgil Schmitt ( at (563) 263-5701.


Meaghan Anderson Field Agronomist in Central Iowa

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Rebecca Vittetoe Field Agronomist in EC Iowa

Rebecca Vittetoe is an extension field agronomist in east central Iowa. Educational programs are available for farmers, agribusiness, pesticide applicators, and certified crop advisors.

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