You won’t want to miss any of the upcoming field days hosted at the outlying Iowa State University Research Farms this summer. These field days will feature the latest information on crop production and management practices. Below is a list of the upcoming field days that will take place as well as what topics will be featured at each field day. All field days are free and open to the public.
More information about these and other field days to be hosted at the ISU Research and Demonstration Farms can be found here.
We hope to see you at one of these events!
June 19, 2024 – Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm (3321 290th St, Nashua, IA)
This field day starts at 11 a.m. and will feature the following topics:
- Crop weather and trends for the 2024 growing season - Madelynn Wuestenberg, ISU Extension Agricultural Climatology Specialist
- Implications of soil erosion on Iowa’s landscape and current practices to minimize impact - Rick Cruse, professor and director of the Iowa Water Center
- Nitrogen management in a wet spring – Richard Roth, ISU Extension Nitrogen Specialist
A free lunch is being provided by Pioneer HiBred International. In order to get an accurate head count for the meal, please RSVP us at by Monday, June 17th.
Certified Crop Advisers can earn 1.0 crop management and 1.0 nutrient management, and 1.0 soil and water management CEU credits. For more information on this field day, click here.
Please contact Josh Michel at (563) 581-7828 or, or Terry Basol at 641-426-6801or if there’s any questions!
June 20, 2024 - Northern Research and Demonstration South Farm (1040 James Ave. Kanawha, IA)
Registration for this field day beings at 8:30 a.m. with the event kicking off at 9 a.m. Lunch will be provided. Topics include:
- Review of current Research Farm Activities - Matt Schnabel, farm superintendent and Ben Petersen
- North Central Iowa Research Association – Capital Campaign Updates - Greg Guenther, President North Central Iowa Research Association
- Everything Emits: Using Infrared Technology to Observe Temperature - Madelynn Wuestenberg, ISU Extension Agricultural Climatology Specialist
- 2024 Growing Season Review and Herbicide Challenges - Gentry Sorenson, ISU Extension Field Agronomist
- ISU’s Date of Planting Trials - Angie Rieck-Hinz, ISU Extension Field Agronomist
If you plan to attend, please pre-register by June 18 by calling Matt Schnabel at 641-762-3247 to help with a head count for lunch. Certified Crop Advisors can earn 1.0 pest management and 2.0 crop management CEU credits by attending.
For more information on this field day click here, or contact ISU Extension and Outreach field agronomists Angie Rieck-Hinz at 515-231-2830, or; or Gentry Sorenson at 641-4306715 or
June 26, 2024 - Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm (3115 Louisa-Washington Rd, Crawfordsville, IA)
Check-in for this field day starts at 12:30 p.m. with the field day kicking off at 1 p.m. Topics to be featured include:
- Research Farm Update - Cody Schneider, farm superintendent
- Bioreactors, Edge-of-Field Practices, and the Whole Farm Conservation Best Practices Manual (Plan is to be installing a bioreactor at the Research Farm) - Kay Stefanik, Assistant Director of the Iowa Nutrient Research Center; Matt Helmers, Professor and Director of the Iowa Nutrient Research Center; Allen Brush, West Fork Crooked Creek and Long Creek Watershed Coordinator; Evan Brehm, Conservation Agronomist, Iowa Soybean Association
- Soybeans & Sulfur: On-Farm Trial Tips for Success- Richard Roth, ISU Extension Nitrogen Specialist
No pre-registration required. Certified Crop Advisers can earn 1.0 soil and water management and 1.0 nutrient management CEUs.
Take advantage of attending the morning Certified Crop Advisor and Agronomy Professional Workshop to earn an additional three soil and water management credits. This workshop will include a classroom session on The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy and finding the nutrient reduction practices that are the right fit for you, and a field session where you will visit Edge of Field Practice sites and learn about cost share and Batch and Build opportunities.
The fee for the morning Certified Crop Advisor and Agronomy Professional Workshop is $50, which includes lunch. Register by midnight on June 21 for the morning Agronomy Workshop and CCA Training at, or by calling the ISU Extension and Outreach Washington County office at 319-653-4811.
For more information on this field day, click here.
June 27, 2024 – Armstrong Research and Demonstration Farm (53020 Hitchcock Ave, Lewis, IA)
Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. with the field day officially starting at 10 a.m. A complimentary lunch will be provided thanks to our generous sponsors. The field day will feature the following topics:
- Setting up your planter for success in the fields, Terry Gleaves, Cow/calf farmer in SE Iowa and Aaron Saeugling, ISU Extension Field Agronomist
- Alternative Overwintering Cover Crop Species, Terry Gleaves, Cow/calf farmer in SE Iowa; Ruth McCabe, Heartland Cooperative; and Arthur Wisecup, precision agriculturist
- Drone Demonstration, Doug Houser, ISU Extension Digital Agriculture Specialist
- Southwest Iowa Weather Outlook, Madelynn Wuestenberg, ISU Extension Agricultural Climatology Specialist
The event will wrap-up around 2:15 p.m. with an ice cream social. While this event is free and open to everyone, pre-registration requested by June 21st. Please register online here or with Ruth Blomquist at 319-541-2969 (cell) or
July 2, 2024 - Northwest Research and Demonstration Farm (6320 500th St. Sutherland, IA)
This field day kicks off with morning refreshments at 9 a.m. and the program begins at 9:30 a.m. featuring the following topics:
- Markets in 2024: Opportunities and Challenges, Chad Hart, ISU Extension Crop Marketing Specialist
- Navigating Nitrogen, Richard Roth, ISU Extension Nitrogen Specialist
- Soybean Cyst Nematode Management, Greg Tylka, Morrill Professor, Iowa State University, Director- Iowa Soybean Research Center
- Timely Agronomic Topics of the 2024 Growing Season, Gentry Sorenson and Leah Ten Napel- Extension Field Agronomists
There will be a complimentary lunch served at noon. Following lunch will be an optional Windbreak Management Workshop led by Sarah Bell, DNR District Forester and Andrew Koehlmoos, O’Brien County District Conservationist.
Certified Crop Advisers can earn 1.0 nutrient management, 1.0 pest management and 2.0 crop management CEUs during the morning field day, and 1.5 crop management CEUs for the afternoon session.
Registration is not required. For more information contact Gentry Sorenson at (641-430-6715) or Leah Ten Napel at (712-541-3493).
July 17, 2024 - Field Extension and Education Laboratory (FEEL) (1928 240th St, Boone, IA 50036)
ISU Extension and Outreach Entomologists Erin Hodgson and Ashley Dean are hosting a field day on European corn borer, an old pest that might pose new problems to farmers. They plan to review identification, scouting and management with interactive demonstrations. There will be two identical sessions. Check-in for the morning session will begin at 8:30 a.m., session starting at 9 a.m. Check-in for the afternoon session will begin at 12:15 p.m., session starting at 1 p.m. The event is FREE to attend, and Lunch will be provided for all registrants at noon. CEU credits will be available. For more information click here.
Pre-registration is required for this event by July 10.
Register here:
You only need to register for ONE session; both sessions feature the same topics.
For assistance with registration or questions about the program, please contact Erin Hodgson ( or 515-294-2847) or Ashley Dean ( or 515-447-3766).
August 23, 2024 – Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm (3321 290th St, Nashua, IA)
Date set for fall field day. More information coming soon!