Volunteers Needed for 2017 North Central Weed Science Society Contest

May 30, 2017 2:35 PM
Blog Post

The 2017 North Central Weed Science Society (NCWSS) Collegiate Weed Contest will be hosted by Iowa State University at the Field Extension Education Laboratory (FEEL) near Boone, IA on July 26-27, 2017. Undergraduate and graduate students from universities throughout the Midwestern United States and Canada will compete in a weed contest with practical implications towards careers in weed science. Members of the NCWSS include Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Canada is represented by Ontario. 

The venue for the 2017 contest is the Field Extension Education Lab which is a training facility with hands-on demonstrations designed to improve student’s and crop advisor’s diagnostic skills and crop management knowledge. The NCWSS Collegiate Weed Contest consists of sections to test knowledge of sprayer calibration including a written test as well as the calibration of a sprayer, weed identification, herbicide identification and solving farmer problems in the field.

A number of volunteers are needed to make the contest successful. Volunteers are needed to serve as group leaders, graders, score keepers, and presenters of the farmer problems. Volunteers may select to work with the unknown herbicide identification, weed identification, the farmer problem or the calibration component of the contest. 

You can volunteer at https://isuext.typeform.com/to/hAjxVd. If you have questions, please contact John Hinz (john.hinz@bayer.com) or Mike Owen (mdowen@iastate.edu). 
