2022 ISU Weed Science Field Day is on July 14

May 26, 2022 10:01 AM
Blog Post

This year’s Weed Science Field Day will be held on Thursday, July 14 at the Iowa State University Curtiss Farm, Ames, IA.

Although the 2022 cold and wet spring has significantly delayed corn and soybean planting in Iowa, we are still on track to demonstrate corn and soybean research plots on the Field Day.

The Field Day will include an update on corn and soybean herbicide programs, status of herbicide resistance in waterhemp in Iowa, cereal rye cover crop for weed control, and demonstrations of novel harvest weed control methods including chaff lining and seed destructor.

The ISU Weed Science is a front-runner in testing the potential of these two novel harvest weed control technologies to control herbicide-resistant weeds including waterhemp in soybean production systems. We will also display UAV-based technologies for in-crop weed species detection and precision weed control.

The event is intended for crop producers, crop consultants, and others involved with the crop industry. Several graduate students also will be on hand to help lead the discussion and answer questions.

The Field Day begins with registration at 8:30 a.m. and includes a complimentary lunch at noon. The afternoon will feature self-led tours of herbicide evaluation plots.

Iowa State University’s Curtiss Farm is located at 2219 State Avenue, Ames, IA 50014.

Registration is free but should be completed by June 30 to help with the lunch count. Register by contacting Meaghan Anderson, field agronomist with ISU Extension and Outreach, at 319-331-0058, or mjanders@iastate.edu.