By: Rachel Klein
New online options were introduced in October 2015 for the Manure Applicator Certification Program to help applicators across the state become certified and meet requirements. The online options now allow you to take the manure applicator certification course, pay certification fees, or both. For those of you who like the other delivery methods, including the in-person trainings or attending the DVD session at the county extension office, don’t worry, we are continue to offer those options as well.
To better understand the new online certification options, take a moment to review these frequently asked questions and links with additional information.
1) How many applicators can watch the online training?
As many as they can fit around a computer, but only one (1) will get the certification credit.
2) Can an applicator watch the online program and then send the certification and fees in by mail?
Yes, the applicator can do training online, print off their certification, and then mail it with their fees to Iowa DNR, Manure Application Certification, 502 E. Ninth St., Des Moines, IA 50319.
3) Can an applicator go to a live workshop and then pay their fees online?
Yes, they can go to a live workshop and pay fees online. The applicator will need to make a scanned copy of their training certificate and attach to their online payment.
4) Can ISU Extension and Outreach county staff go into the database and fill out the sign-in sheets?
Yes, they can log into the system, click on education button, and create a sign-in sheet in the database. If they use this option there is no need to fax/email DNR a sign-in sheet.
5) Where do I find the DNR MAC page?
6) Where do I find MAC E-Learning?
7) Where do I find DNR payment processing and information regarding renewals, expiration dates, and fees?