Regional Crop Update: June 3 to June 11

June 11, 2019 9:46 AM
Blog Post

Mother Nature was more cooperative this past week, allowing planting and other field activities like cutting and putting up hay, sidedressing, and herbicide applications to occur. According to the June 10, 2019 USDA-NASS Crop Progress and Condition Report, approximately 93% of the expected corn crop and 70% of the expected soybean has been planted. Check out what Iowa State University Extension and Outreach field agronomists are seeing and hearing for field conditions and planting progress in their respective regions across the state.

Northwest Iowa

Joel DeJong (Region 1): “In the NW corner of the state we have corn from almost V6 to seed just in the ground. Corn planting in the counties along the Minnesota border was very common last week, as was bean planting in the remainder of the area where it had not been planted before this. There will be some prevented planting acres this year, more than I have seen before, but the numbers were greatly reduced with a full week of field work. Alfalfa harvest was in full swing as well. Most problem phone calls were related to fields having emergence problems. Most were planted just before the Memorial Day weekend into less than ideal conditions, followed by heavy rainfall. Crusting has reduced stands in many fields, and some soybean interplanting/replanting has occurred.”

Paul Kassel (Region 2): “Farmers made a lot of progress on field work last week. Most farmers completed corn planting and many farmers are close to completing soybean planting. Farmers and commercial applicators will now turn their focus to post-emergence herbicide application on corn. Conversations with farmers indicated that many farming operations planned to and were able to plant most of their intended corn acres. The potential for Market Facilitation Payments, the recent bullishness in the corn markets and the profit potential of corn production, even with reduced yields, motivated many farming operations to plant as much corn as they were reasonably able to. Stand establishment problems continue to plague both the corn and soybean crops.  Parts of the area have not had rainfall for about 12 days – so some light rain to soften the soil surface would help both crops.”  

This June 4th no-tilled field in Clay County beings to emerge. Photo by Paul Kassel.

North Central Iowa

Angie Rieck-Hinz (Region 3): “We had a fairly dry week and put a lot of soybeans in the ground and pretty much finalized corn planting. The earliest planted corn is V6 and the earliest planted soybeans are V2 to V3. A lot of hay was cut and put up. The topics of concern this past week, besides getting back in the field, were questions on the need for additional nitrogen and soil crusting impeding soybean emergence. No one wants to say it, but most folks are thinking it- we could use a little shot of rain.” 

Soil crusting has been causing some emergence problems in soybeans. Photo by Angie Rieck-Hinz.

Northeast Iowa

Terry Bassol (Region 4): "The favorable weather this past week has allowed producers in NE Iowa to progress very well in regards to soybean acres planted and finishing up on the last corn fields. According to USDA-NASS, growers in NE Iowa have 84% of the soybean acres planted as of June 9 (up 26% from a week ago), and 96% of the corn planted. Most of the corn has now emerged and can be rowed across the NE quadrant of the state. Corn varies from just emerged all the way up to the V2 to V3 stage.  Soybeans are anywhere from just planted to V1 (first unrolled trifoliolate leaf).  According to the Iowa Mesonet, the NE IA Research and Demonstration Farm near Nashua received 0.54 inches of rain from June 2 through June 9."

Southwest and West Central

Aaron Saeugling (Region 6): “ Corn planting is almost complete and the early planted corn is in the V4 to V6 stage. The corn looks a little yellow due to the lack of sunshine and cooler temperatures. I expect this to dramatically change over the next 7-10 days with the warmer temperatures, sunshine, and as the corn hits the nitrogen. We need to keep in mind over 70% of the nitrogen in SW Iowa was spring applied in April. Soybean planting progress made good strides the end of last week. Planting conditions were “tacky” to “well that was close”, so I estimate that we are 80% planted on soybeans by now. Soybean gall midge traps have yet to capture any confirmed adults. We will be monitoring this over the next several weeks. Alfalfa harvest is underway with a lot of fields cut this weekend and baled.  There was a narrow window to put up some nice hay if you missed the showers. Quality looks to be good.”

East Central, Southeast, and South Central:

Rebecca Vittetoe (Region 8): “A lot planting, sidedressing, herbicide applications, and putting up hay took place over the past week. It’s been a lot of longs days for many but planting finally seems to be winding down (thankfully). The earlier planted (mid to late April) corn is around V5 to V6 and the earlier planted soybeans (late April) are around V2 to V3. Reports and observations of bean leaf beetles, black cutworms, yellow and uneven corn, seedling diseases in corn, and Anthracnose leaf blight were made in 10 counties I serve. Additionally, the most common question over the last week has been around nitrogen management considerations for this year.”

Anthracnose leaf blight lesions on a corn leaf. Photo by Rebecca Vittetoe. 

Virgil Schmitt (Region 9): “In the last seven days, rainfall varied from a few tenths of an inch in the south to over three inches in the northern counties I serve. There were four to six days when most people were able to do field work. Corn is about 80% planted. Corn ranges from V6 to just planted. Soybeans are about 50% planted across my counties and range from V2 to just planted. Hay is being harvested. A lot of herbicide and nitrogen applications occurred this past week."

Rainfall totals across Iowa for the last 7 days as of the morning of June 10. Source:

Josh Michel (Region 11): “The direr conditions allowed many farmers to finally continue field operations. Much of the region received less than tenth of rain this past week, but a few isolated areas saw up to 0.5 inches. Great progress has been made on the planting front. Corn is around 75 to 80% planted, and soybeans are about 40 to 45% planted. Earlier planted corn is around V5 and is looking better after some much needed sunshine and warmer weather. Earlier planted soybeans are around V2 to V3. Many alfalfa fields have received their first cuttings and harvest is progressing well as the weather has allowed. Alfalfa pest reports continue to be minimum. Common questions this past week have been on black cutworm feeding, nitrogen management, bean leaf beetle feeding, late rye termination, pasture management, and late season weed management.”

For audio versions of these crop updates, click here.

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Rebecca Vittetoe Field Agronomist in EC Iowa

Rebecca Vittetoe is an extension field agronomist in east-central/southeast Iowa serving Iowa, Jefferson, Johnson, Keokuk, Poweshiek, and Washington counties. Vitteoe works with farmers, landowners, and ag retailers to answer agronmy-related questions. Her areas of expertise include general ...