You are invited to attend the upcoming field days that will be hosted at the outlying Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms this summer. These field days will feature the latest information on crop production and crop management practices. Below is a list of the upcoming field days that will take place this June and what topics will be featured at each field day. All field days are free and open to the public.
June 20, 2019 - Northern Research and Demonstration Farm (310 S. Main St. Kanawha, IA)
Registration for this June 20th field day beings at 9 a.m. with the event kicking off at 9:30 a.m. Lunch will be served at noon and the day concludes at 1 p.m.
Topics include:
- Welcome
Daniel J. Robison, Endowed Dean College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Rye seed production response to nitrogen application and determination of optimal fertilizer nitrogen application rate when following soybeans
John Sawyer, professor and soil fertility and nutrient management extension specialist; Camilla Martins, agronomy research graduate assistant; and John Lundvall, agronomy research associate
- Current issues in weed management
Prashant Jha, associate professor and extension weed specialist
- Current issues in corn and soybean insects and current and future research on soybean gall midge
Erin Hodgson, associate professor and extension entomologist
Click here for more information on this field day.
June 20, 2019 - Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm (3115 Louisa-Washington Rd, Crawfordsville, IA)
Registration for this June 20th field day starts at 12:30 with the event kicking off at 1 p.m. Topics to be featured include:
- Farm and Crop Update
Myron Rees, farm superintendent
- Prairie STRIPS, what they are and how they work
Tim Youngquist, STRIPS farmer liaison
- Crop yield and soil nitrogen prediction with crop modeling
Sotirios Archontoulis, assistant professor of agronomy
- Herbicide technology update and integrated herbicide resistance management programs for corn-soybeans
Bob Hartzler, professor in agronomy and extension weed specialist
Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) credits are available during the afternoon tour. An additional three Soil and Water Management CCA credits can be earned at a 9 a.m. CCA session, featuring edge-of-field nitrate reduction practices, and adapting prairie strips across Iowa. The morning CCA session will include a combination of classroom sessions and field demonstrations. The fee for the morning session is $50, which includes lunch. Register by June 13 for the morning CCA session and the noon lunch, at, or by calling the ISU Extension and Outreach Washington County office at 319-653-4811.
For more information on this field day, click here.
June 26, 2019 - Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm (3321 290th St., Nashua, IA)
This June 26th field day starts at 1 p.m. CCA credits will be available (2 CM, 1 PM, 0.5 SW). Topics to be featured include:
- Insights on the 2019 Crop Weather
Dennis Todey, director of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Midwest Climate Hub
- Industrial hemp Production in Iowa for 2020: Likelihood, regulations, current production practices, and economic information from other state
Angie Rieck-Hinz, extension field agronomist
- Oat production and seeding cover crops in V6 corn
Stefan Gailans, research and field crops director with Practical Farmers of Iowa
- Plant disease issues in a wet spring and considerations for foliar fungicide applications later in season
Ed Zaworski, plant pathologist for Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic
Click here for more information on this field day.
June 27, 2019 – Muscatine Island Research & Demonstration Farm (111 North St., Fruitland, IA)
Registration for this June 27th field day will start at 6 p.m. Sandwiches and chips (free of charge) will be available at registration. The program beings at 6:30 p.m. and will feature the following topics as well as a wagon tour of the research farm:
- Nodule formation on soybean roots study
Clayton Carley, ISU graduate student
- Horticulture updates
Ajay Nair, associate professor and vegetable extension specialist
- Corn nitrogen trial at the Muscatine Island Research & Demonstration Farm
Dominic Snyder, ag specialist Muscatine Island Research and Demonstration Farm
- Growing season updates
Virgil Schmitt, extension field agronomist
For more information about this field day, please contact Dominic Synder.
More information about these and other field days to be hosted at the ISU Research and Demonstration Farms can be found here. Check back soon for the July field day line-up! We hope to see you at one of these events!