Richard T Roth
The crops are coming out and it’s ALMOST time for farmers to start making fall nitrogen applications. Remember that soil temperatures should be below 50°F at a depth of 4 inches and continuing to drop before making fall nitrogen applications —ideally, the cooler, the better. It's important for...
This article is part three in a series of blogs on how best to allocate fertilizer dollars.
With low commodity prices, it is very important to make wise fertilizer application decisions. While the secondary macronutrient sulfur (S) used to be adequately supplied through atmospheric...
This is part one of a three-part series on nitrogen management this spring. Read part two, “Navigating Nitrogen Management in Wet Spring...
This is part three of a three-part series on nitrogen management this spring. Read part one “Navigating Nitrogen Management in Wet Spring...
This is part two of a three-part series on nitrogen management this spring. Read part one, “Navigating Nitrogen Management in Wet Spring...