Virgil Schmitt

Virgil Schmitt has been in his current position since 1992, although counties he's covered have changed over time.

He's worked as an extension 4-H and youth leader in Butler and Grundy Counties and as an extension agriculturist in Linn County, Iowa. He taught high school agricultural education in Reinbeck, Iowa and community college agriculture at Muscatine Community College.

Schmitt is an eastern Iowa native, where he lives and manages his home farming operation.

For upcoming events and timely crop production information in your area, subscribe to the East Central and Southeast Iowa Crop Update.

Virgil Schmitt
August 18, 2016 8:46 AM

Mark you your calendars for the Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm's Fall Field Day, which is set for September 8. Registration will begin at 1 p.m. with the tour starting at 1:30 p.m. 

The featured stops for this year's field day include a presentation on UAVs with a demonstration...

Crop Production
June 7, 2016 3:53 PM

After a busy week at a meeting in Michigan, Virgil Schmitt and I visited the Muscatine County farmer with Palmer amaranth to assess the population.

This farmer first discovered Palmer amaranth...

