Again this year, I joined my colleague Patrick Hatting, Farm Management Specialist for central Iowa, and checked several Polk County corn fields as a part of our “Polk County Yield Tour.” After R3 (milk stage) is a great...
As the 2024 growing season winds down and as we gear up for harvest, check out what the ISU Extension and Outreach field agronomists are seeing in their regions across the state.
Corn Silage Harvest Tips for 2024
Recent cooler nights are hinting that fall is just around the corner. That also means corn silage harvest will be starting very soon. Corn is a high yielding, high energy, low protein forage that is commonly used for growing and finishing beef cattle, in...
Join either the ISU Northern Research and Demonstration Farm or the Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm for their fall field days coming up on September 5th!
Soybean aphids, fall armyworms (mainly in southern Iowa), tar spot, and sudden death syndrome have been more of the hot topics or issues and concerns ISU Extension and Outreach field agronomists have been either hearing or seeing. Read on...
Reports of fall armyworms have started to roll in, particularly in southern Iowa. Many of us may recall the severe fall armyworm pressure we had in 2021. We have no evidence at this point that issues will be as widespread as what we saw in 2021, but it is a good idea to keep an eye out for this...
We often get questions on late summer weeds in pastures, and the general comment is “where did all these weeds come from?” The short answer is from seed. When we think about pasture or late summer hay production, we need to understand that the weeds job is to survive and produce seed. Yellow...
Key Points
- Nice weather for the Iowa State Fair
- Crops are looking mostly good to excellent across the state
- Expecting a fairly dry week ahead
Continue reading the blog ...
Key Points
- A warm signal persists through the next three months and a La Niña watch is in effect.
- Close to normal conditions are expected for the next several days, with a slightly elevated chance for warmth.
Continue reading...
As has been common this season, severe weather over the last several days has brought wind and hail to parts of Iowa. This article will address some of the concerns associated with late-season hail on crops.
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the United States Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service are collaborating on a series of cover crop fact sheets for Iowa farmers interested in adopting the practice or trying new cover crops to achieve specific goals...
Most corn fields across the state are getting into the R2 to R3 stage and soybeans are in the R2 to R4 stage. Some of the more common issues or observations ISU Extension field agronomists made or received about fields across the state...
The benefits of intercropping in agricultural systems include the potential for better management of pests, pathogens, and weeds. Relay cropping (RC) consists of two or more crops grown in sequence with some overlap in the growth cycle, leading to sustainable intensification of the existing...
Key Points
- Heat expected to return after some cooler-than-average temperatures this past week.
- Keep an eye out for flash drought as excessive heat is expected.
- A warm signal persists through the next three months as ENSO neutral is expected to transition to La...
Several reports of blister beetles are coming in from homeowners, vegetable producers, and row crop farmers this week. Although the adults are not generally considered plant pests, it appears decent numbers are causing some injury this summer.
Adult blister beetles can be commonly seen on...
Variable rainfall, low foliar disease pressure in corn (common rust, southern rust, gray leaf spot, bacterial leaf streak, tar spot), SDS in soybeans, yellow soybeans, soybean aphids, corn rootworm pressure, and weed escapes were some of the more common observations or question topics received...
The ISU Crops Team is looking for a field agronomist to serve the south-central part of Iowa. Below is a...
Bacterial leaf streak (BLS) is particularly prevalent across Iowa this growing season. This past week I received numerous emails and texts with photos. I’m not overly surprised we are seeing BLS because we...
Key Points
- No dryness is reported across the entire state by the U.S. Drought Monitor.
- A warm signal persists through the next three months as ENSO neutral is expected to transition to La Niña by this fall.
To learn more about the climate outlook, read on...
Due to 2023 court decision, questions continue about the use of chlorpyrifos on agricultural crops for 2024. The following chlorpyrifos products may be used on corn and soybean according...
Hail and wind damage, corn rootworm, Japanese beetles weed escapes, insect, and questions on foliar fungicides have been the more common issues or questions Iowa State University Extension and Outreach field agronomists have seen or heard...
With all the talk on fungicide use in corn and soybean, this may be a good time to talk about alfalfa production and fungicide use. We often get asked as Extension field agronomists about studies conducted with fungicides on crops. So, the...
Key Points
- Cooler temperatures are expected in the next 6-10 days, but first, heat is on the way this weekend.
- Day 3-7 hazards include high temperatures, severe weather, and flooding along the Mississippi.
- A warm signal persists through the next three months as...
Last week a beekeeper contacted me about a total bee kill as a result of the adjacent soybean field being sprayed with an insecticide. The applicator was not aware of the presence of the bee hives, even though the hives were registered on the FieldWatch® (...
As corn approaches tasseling, I hear more and more rumblings about fungicide application. The good to abundant moisture we have had this growing season, has resulted in some itchy trigger fingers. In addition, the early reports of tar spot haven’t helped with the itch. Do we need to scratch...