Integrated Crop Management News

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Weather Situation and Outlook for 2008

March 10, 2008
Table of the 19-year drought cycle

By Elwynn Taylor, Department of Agronomy

Corn yield has been less variable during the past 12 years than the previous 20. However, the yield of the past 5 years in Iowa exceeded trend. The national yield has a run of 5 above-trend years; this is an historical record. A run of 4 above trend years occurred in 1984-87 (with a major drought at each end). 

Try Side-by-Side Trials to Check Fungicide Impact on Corn Yield

March 10, 2008

By Roger Elmore, Department of Agronomy

The decision of whether we should apply a fungicide to corn in mid-season will depend on two sets of factors. First are the main economic drivers: the value of the corn produced, and the costs of the fungicide and its application. The second factor that balances these is the degree to which yield is actually affected. 
