Integrated Crop Management News

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Don’t Use More Pressure than Needed on Wet Soils

May 1, 2008
Image of depth-gauge wheels adjacent to the seed opener

By Mark Hanna, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Many Iowa planter operators are faced with wet soil conditions this spring. Operators will want to wait for suitable conditions to avoid “mudding in” a crop with significant investments in seed, fertilizer, machinery and time.

Managing 2,4-D for No-Till Burndown Treatments

April 29, 2008

By Bob Hartzler, Department of Agronomy

2,4-D is commonly added to glyphosate for burndown of existing vegetation in no-till fields. The advantages of including 2,4-D include:

When is it Too Late Plant Forages?

April 29, 2008

By Stephen K. Barnhart, Department of Agronomy

Spring hay and pasture seedings are normally done from late February through late April in Iowa. The extended period of wet weather in 2008 has many producers still waiting to get their forages planted.

Can they still successfully plant forage crops? 

Adapting to Alfalfa Winterkill and Winter Injury

April 29, 2008

By Stephen K. Barnhart, professor, Department of Agronomy

Significant areas of alfalfa winterkill are now evident in Iowa.  The worst areas are along the Highway 20 corridor in eastern and northeast Iowa, with notable losses to the Minnesota border in Iowa and also in random fields in other parts of the state. Frozen alfalfa crown and upper taproot tissue is not able to recover. Evidence of the injury was delayed because some plants began to green-up and then died. Plants that still exhibit good taproot and crown tissue are likely unaffected.

Surface Waters: Ammonium is Not Ammonia – Part 1

April 21, 2008

By John Sawyer, Department of Agronomy

A recent article in The Des Moines Register newspaper has caused considerable controversy regarding nitrogen in Iowa streams and rivers. The article (High ammonia levels threaten D.M.’s water, April 6, 2008) featured information about “ammonia” levels in certain Iowa surface water systems during the recent winter time period.

Calculating Degree Days

April 17, 2008

By Rich Pope, Department of Entomology

Warm-blooded animals including humans generate their own internal heat and have regulatory systems to hold maintain body temperature in an operational range. These systems provide insulation from fluctuations of temperature in the environment and allow growth and development based on the passage of time in minutes, hours, weeks, months and years.