Integrated Crop Management News

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Combine Harvesting Tips for 2008 Harvest

September 24, 2008
Image of an example of adjusting sieve openings

By Mark Hanna, Department of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering

Proper combine settings will maximize grain quality while minimizing machine field losses. Taking time to achieve proper combine settings and harvest safety will benefit producers in the long run. Following are a few general tips, and some that relate directly to soybeans and corn.

•To minimize seed coat damage, start with the lowest recommended rotor or cylinder speed and use only enough speed to adequately thresh grain while keeping loss to acceptable levels.

Making Fertilization Decisions as Fertilizer Prices Escalate and Production Costs Are High - Part 1

September 23, 2008
Graph of the change in soil test over time

By John Sawyer and Antonio Mallarino, Department of Agronomy

Fertilizers are at unbelievably high prices, with reports of tight supplies and potash allocation to dealers. Total crop production costs are causing credit supply issues, which complicates decisions to allocate available funds for production expenses. These issues are causing producers to consider changing production practices, including cutting back on inputs like fertilizer. What can be done?

Fall Management of Alfalfa

September 22, 2008

Steve Barnhart, Department of Agronomy
Rain in May and early June this year put most alfalfa producers behind two to three weeks for their first, and correspondingly their second and third cuttings. Now in mid-September, producers are taking advantage of a favorable week of drying weather to make what is their last summer cutting. 

This is crowding into the normal four to six week fall rest period for the alfalfa stands. Producers should consider if these mid-September harvests will put the stands at risk. 

Nonconventional Soil Additives and Programs

September 16, 2008
Table of the minimum percentage of nutrient content for fertilizers to be distributed in Iowa

By John Sawyer, Department of Agronomy

Every year products and programs are touted to Iowa producers as being the cure for crop production and economic woes. These seem to increase in number when crop prices are low or input costs are high. The old adage states “if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.” How do you know?