Integrated Crop Management News

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Deciding Between Grain and Forage Harvest for Late Maturing Soybeans

October 6, 2008
Table of yield and quality of soybean forage as affected by harvest maturity

By Stephen K. Barnhart and Palle Pedersen, Department of Agronomy

Late season evaluation involves reviewing normal crop growth and development, assessing the condition of the crops in individual fields relative to normal, and thinking through several autumn season scenarios such as: How will this field develop between now and the normal frost time?  What are the concerns or alternatives if a frost comes one or two weeks earlier than normal?

Fall Frost Effects of Forage

October 6, 2008

By Stephen K. Barnhart, Department of Agronomy
The first frost of the autumn generally brings a flurry of forage related questions centered around three general topics:

  • toxic prussic acid potential and management of frosted sudangrass and sorghum sudangrass hybrids;
  • is frosted alfalfa toxic to grazing animals; and
  • now that we've had frost, should I harvest the last alfalfa cutting?

