Iowa State University Extension climatologist Elwynn Taylor, integrated pest management specialist Rich Pope, corn agronomist Roger Elmore, and ag economist Chad Hart look ahead to the 2009 growing season during the weekly crops and weather interview with Doug Cooper, Extension communications specialist.
Extension climatologist Elwynn Taylor says to watch Arkansas for the next couple of weeks to have an idea of what Iowa's spring weather will be. Our springs are generally similar to Arkansas' mid February weather. Taylor says polar outbreak number 9 is heading toward Iowa which would either set or tie a record.
Rich Pope reminds farmers to keep checking grain in storage for any quality concerns.
Row spacing is a topic of discussion this winter according to Roger Elmore. He notes that although twin rows and narrow rows won't reduce yield potential, they probably won't increase it either.
Chad Hart looks at the latest USDA Supply/Demand Report and says demand is the key as we head toward planting time.
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