February 9 Crops and Weather Report

February 10, 2009
ICM News

Iowa State University Extension climatologist Elwynn Taylor, integrated pest management specialist Rich Pope and soybean agronomist Palle Pedersen discuss the upcoming 2009 growing season during their weekly interview Feb. 9 with Doug Cooper, Extension communications specialist.

Extension climatologist Elwynn Taylor tells us the dry weather in Argentina and Australia are causing some crop losses. His early prediction for corn yields in Iowa is in two parts--with La Niña and without La Niña.

Rich Pope says farmers have made most of the spring planting decisions, but need to keep their options open heading to spring planting -- depending on the weather.

Palle Pedersen talks about his recent trip to Michigan and how producers there are trying to re-introduce soybean production in their state. He also discusses the economic decisions that soybean producers must make as they head into the 2009 growing season.

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