Integrated Crop Management News

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Organic Flax Production in Iowa

April 8, 2009

By Kathleen Delate, Departments of Agronomy and Horticulture

Iowa producers interested in raising flax will find valuable information in a new Extension publication, Organic Flax Production in Iowa – PM 2058. The publication by Kathlene Delate, Craig Chase and John Kennicker outlines planting and fertility requirements, variety selection, management issues, harvesting, storage and handling of the crop.

April 6 Crops and Weather Report

April 7, 2009

Doug Cooper , Iowa State University Extension communications specialist, interviewed Elwynn Taylor, extension climatologist;  Rich Pope, integrated pest management specialist; and Palle Pedersen, soybean agronomist on April 6 for the weekly crops and weather update.

The snow that fell over the weekend is not unusual for April in Iowa says Elwynn Taylor. In fact, he tells us, the most recent storm could have been a lot worse if the early rain had been snow.

Cold Injury to Alfalfa and Forage Crops

April 7, 2009

By Stephen K. Barnhart, Department of Agronomy

Most of Iowa alfalfa fields have broken winter dormancy.  A few early April nights with temperatures in the low 20 degrees F or below will pose a risk of cold injury to alfalfa and other forage species. Low temperatures, whether visible frost is present or not, may affect the growth of both established forage plants and newly emerged seedlings.
