Week of May 26 Crop and Weather Report

May 27, 2009
ICM News

Doug Cooper, Iowa State University Extension communications specialist, interviewed climatologist Elwynn Taylor, integrated pest management specialist Rich Pope, and corn agronomist Roger Elmore Tuesday, May 26 for the weekly Iowa crop and weather report.

Elmore reports heavy rain has created a bit of a dilemma for farmers trying to determine whether or not to replant corn. He says replanting at the end of May will normally reduce production by about 30 percent compared to late April early May plantings.

The rain should end as May comes to an end, according to Taylor's interview. And once fields are suitable for fieldwork most of the spring chores should be completed.

Pope talks about early movement of black cutworm showing up in black cutworm traps. Now is the time to begin scouting for this pest that migrates into Iowa from southern locations.

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