Integrated Crop Management Conference set for Dec. 2 and 3

October 16, 2009
ICM News

By Brent Pringnitz, ISU Agribusiness Education Program

The Iowa State University Integrated Crop Management Conference will be held Dec. 2 — 3 on the Iowa State University (ISU) campus. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. on Dec. 2 in the Scheman Building and the program concludes at 4:00 p.m. on Dec 3.

Conference attendees can choose from 34 different workshops that offer the latest information on crop production and protection technology in Iowa and surrounding states. Workshops are offered by ISU faculty and staff and invited speakers from around the Midwest. The conference is hosted by ISU Extension, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the departments of Agronomy, Entomology, Plant Pathology and Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.

A popular feature of the conference is the variety of guest speakers on the program. Each year ISU specialists invite colleagues in their field to share their research activities with conference attendees. This provides an opportunity to hear expertise and opinions from across the region and country in one location. Invited speakers this year include:

• Emerson Nafziger, extension agronomist, University of Illinois, speaking on the agronomics of high-yield corn
• Chris Boerboom, extension weed scientist, University of Wisconsin, on herbicide injury in soybeans
• Seth Naeve, extension soybean specialist, University of Minnesota, on the little things in management that impact overall soybean yield
• Tamra Jackson, plant pathologist, University of Nebraska, discussing the reemergence of Goss's Wilt in Midwestern corn

In recent years the conference has filled to capacity with nearly 1,000 producers and agribusiness people in attendance.

Attendees can obtain up to 14 Certified Crop Adviser credits as well as Commercial Pesticide Applicator recertification in categories 1A (weeds), 1B (insects), 1C (crop diseases), 4 (seed treatment) and 10 (research and demonstration.)

To register online for this event or for more information, visit the AEP Web site at Registration is $185. After November 20, registration increases to $235. Enrollment is limited and no registrations will be accepted at the door.


Brent Pringnitz is the coordinator of the Iowa State University Extension Agribusiness Education Program. He can be reached at 515/294-9487 or by email at


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