By Brent Pringnitz, ISU Agribusiness Education Program
The Iowa State University Extension Agribusiness Education Program is offering a review session for the upcoming Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) exam. The two-day review session will be held on Jan. 11 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. and Jan. 12 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the South Ballroom of the Memorial Union on the Iowa State University campus.
The cost of the course is $225 and includes meals and course materials. Each participant will receive the latest edition of the Crop Diagnostic Notebook containing nearly 150 Extension publications and crop production references. For individuals that already own a copy of the notebook a reduced registration of $175 is available.
Class topics will follow the "Performance Objectives for Iowa, 2008" document, available on the CCA website. Attendees are encouraged to review and be familiar with this document before attending the class.
During the sessions, students will use radio-controlled response devices to answer practice exam questions and track their scores. At the conclusion of the review sessions a 'mock' CCA examination will be given so students will know what to expect in an actual testing situation.
All sessions will be taught by Iowa State University Extension faculty and staff.
Class enrollment will be limited to the first 60 paid registrations. Registrations must be received no later than midnight Wednesday, Jan. 6. Pre-registration is required. Registrations may be faxed, mailed, or completed online with a credit card. Registration materials are available online .
For questions about this workshop, call (515) 294-6429 or email You can also find more information online at
Brent Pringnitz is the coordinator of the Iowa State University Extension Agribusiness Education Program. He can be reached at 515/294-9487 or by email at
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