Integrated Crop Management News
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May 4 Iowa Crop and Weather Report
This week's crop and weather report includes interviews with Elwynn Taylor, Iowa State University Extension climatologist; integrated pest management specialist Rich Pope; soybean agronomist Palle Pedersen; and soybean entomologist Erin Hodgson.
It appears that La Niña is dead—effective Monday, May 4, 2009, according to Taylor. He doesn't guarantee ideal growing season weather, but says it should eliminate extremes in temperature and precipitation.
Pay Attention to Soil Crusting After Heavy Rain Events
Heavy rains on recently planted crop fields may create soil crusting that can affect the emergence of the crop.
Avoid Alfalfa Winter Injury - Next Time
By Stephen Barnhart, Department of Agronomy
There have been reports of localized areas of winterkill and winter injury to forage and winter cereal grain crops this past winter in Iowa.
The reports indicate damage on sites across the state, but the most extensive areas are in northeast Iowa. There are reports of damage to alfalfa, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, winter wheat and winter triticale.
April 27 Crop and Weather Report
By Doug Cooper, Extension Communications and External Relations
On April 27, Doug Cooper, Extension communications specialist, interviewed Iowa State University Extension climatologist Elwynn Taylor, integrated pest management specialist Rich Pope and corn agronomist Roger Elmore for the weekly crops and weather update.
Quick facts About Corn Nematodes
Interest in corn nematodes is increasing with recent changes in corn production. Greg Tylka, extension plant pathologist, shares a few facts about the plant-parasitic nematodes.
Planting Restrictions Following 2,4-D Applications
Hartzler outlines the restrictions associated applying 2,4=D to crop land.
April 20 Iowa Crop and Weather Report
By Doug Cooper, Extension Communications and External Relations
Doug Cooper's April 20 crop and weather report guests this week are Extension climatologist Elwynn Taylor, integrated pest management specialist Rich Pope and soybean agronomist Palle Pedersen.
Taylor talks of La Niña's continued comeback having reached the SOI category, considered a significant weather phenomenon. Planting weather looks good for Iowa the next couple of weeks, but the Eastern Corn Belt may not be as fortunate.
Take Time to Manage Spring Field Risks
A few precautions during spring field work can reap rewards throughout the growing season.
Take Note of Soil Temperature
Current soil temperatures, important to germination and the fate of nitrogen, are tracked on an ISU Extension website.