Integrated Crop Management News

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Getting to Know the Aphids in Corn

August 7, 2009
Image of a corn leaf aphid

There are at least two different species of aphids that can be found in corn this time of year, but the identification may not be critical to management.

Weekly Crop and Weather Report

August 4, 2009

July ended as the second coolest on record in Iowa, which can slow down crop development during early reproductive stages, but specialists don't expect much impact on the crop at this time.

Degree Days - We Don't Need Stress!

August 4, 2009
Image of base 50 degree F degree days in regions of Iowa from May 1 to August 2, 2009

By Rich Pope, Department of Plant Pathology

It is beyond time to get hot summer weather started! Both corn and soybean are (finally) in reproductive stages, and parts of Iowa are over 200 degree days behind normal. 

Common Corn Nematode Characteristics

August 3, 2009
Table of common corn nematode characteristics and damage potential

A growing interest in nematodes that feed on corn prompts this article listing basic characteristics of different types of corn nematodes.

Degree Days - Cool July With Good Crop Conditions

July 28, 2009
Image of base 50 degree F degree days in regions of Iowa from May 1 to July 26, 2009

By Rich Pope, Department of Plant Pathology

Iowa corn is tasseling and silking this week. We think of the silk date as a marker for the final 60 to 65 days in which the corn reaches physiological maturity. That means we might expect dry down to extend into October across the state. Soybeans are setting pods, and with timely August rainfall, pods should fill nicely. Last week we lost approximately 50 degree days to average across Iowa, making July 2009 as one of the ten coolest in history.  
