Integrated Crop Management News

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Sampling Strip Trials for Corn Nematodes

May 27, 2010
Several plants collected so nematodes can be extracted from root tissues

Collecting nematode samples from strip trials with nematicides on corn requires a very different approach than sampling fields to diagnose possible nematode damage to corn. This article contains some points to consider when collecting samples to obtain nematode results from strip trials

Watch for Early-Season Isopods

May 25, 2010

Isopods have become a new early-season soybean pest in the Midwest. No-till field crops can be attractive to isopods because they are protected under crop residue.

New Invasive Insect Confirmed in Iowa

May 25, 2010
emerald ash borer larvae

Knowing the description and characteristics of the emerald ash borer (EAB) can help Iowans as they become more vigilant after the first confirmed finding of EAB in Iowa.

Wet Soil Conditions and Nitrogen Loss

May 19, 2010
Map showing precipitation in Iowa 4/18/2010-5/17/2010

Continued wet soils in some parts of Iowa are raising nitrogen loss questions that are answered with an understanding of biological processes important to potential N loss.

Early Season Corn Nematode Scouting

May 18, 2010
Stubby root symptom caused by needle nematode feeding on corn

Sandy fields can be infested with nematodes that damage corn plants very early in the season. Check fields with sandy soils for nematodes in the spring if corn appears stunted and yellow.

Splitting Corn Seedlings to Assess Plant Viability

May 14, 2010
Frost on corn field

By Roger Elmore and Lori Abendroth, Department of Agronomy

A hard freeze last weekend resulted in leaf loss in emerged corn seedlings across central and northern Iowa.  Several recent articles in ICM news provide insight on the situation.  Photos 1 and 2 here show damage in one field in Story County; corn was at about V2 when the frost occurred.

When to Make First Spring Cut of Alfalfa and Mixed Alfalfa/Grass

May 13, 2010
Table showing stage of most mature stems

By Stephen K. Barnhart, Department of Agronomy


Producers must answer a couple of basic questions when deciding the time of the first spring cutting of alfalfa and mixed alfalfa and grass fields. What's your hay harvesting schedule? What are your objectives for the harvested hay crop or forage stand?  Harvest schedule decisions tend to be guided by what's most important. Producer objectives may include harvested yield, nutritive quality of the forage, or vigor and persistence of the perennial stand.
