Use Facts to Make Glyphosate and Glyphosate Resistant Crop Decisions

February 25, 2011
ICM News

By Bob Hartzler and Mike Owen, Department of Agronomy

Information presented recently on the Web and in seminars across the Midwest has portrayed devastating consequences due to the widespread use of glyphosate and glyphosate resistant crops. It is important to recognize that there is little data published in refereed journals to support these claims. Data that are available have been taken greatly out of context to support the accusations. 

The issues and claims have been brought forward by Dr. Don Huber, retired professor of Plant Pathology at Purdue University. Recently, Purdue University faculty members have responded to these claims and using peer-reviewed science, have refuted the statements made by Dr. Huber.

Their final statement summarizes the available evidence of the impact glyphosate and GMO crops have on plant health, "We encourage crop producers, agribusiness personnel, and the general public to speak with University Extension personnel before making changes in crop production practices that are based on sensationalist claims instead of facts." 

The complete Purdue University statement, "Glyphosate's Impact on Field Crop Production and Disease Development," is available online.

An article providing an overview of the effects of glyphosate on mineral nutrition and plant diseases was prepared earlier by Iowa State University weed scientists. Read the article, Glyphosate Interactions with Micronutrients and Plant Diseases, for additional research-based information.  


Bob Hartzler and Micheal Owen are professors of agronomy and weed science extension specialists with responsibilities in weed management and herbicide use.

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