Integrated Crop Management News

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Cooperators Needed for Black Cutworm Monitoring

February 28, 2012
BCW moth pheromone trap

The ISU Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic and IPM program are coordinating the annual black cutworm monitoring network in Iowa. Farmers and agribusiness personnel are needed to monitor traps for the arrival of cutworm moths this spring.

Precision Ag Technology Savings

February 24, 2012
Illustration of automatic section control on a planter to reduce overlap and skipped areas

By Matt Darr, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

The use of precision farming products continues to increase. With increasing input costs, producers are often looking for ways to adopt technology to make farming operations more efficient and productive. Two precision ag products, auto guidance and automatic section control, lead the way in cost savings while also enhancing the productivity of machinery operations.

Important Crop Insurance Dates

February 23, 2012
Important crop insurance dates for corn and soybeans in Iowa

By William Edwards, Department of Economics

Even the best crop insurance plan is of little use if the right information is not collected and submitted on time. Likewise, if certain actions are not completed by the necessary date, producers may not receive full benefit from the risk protection that they have selected.

There's Still Time to Check Fields for SCN Before 2012 Crop

February 21, 2012
Sampling areas designated by agronomic features of the field

There is still time this spring to collect soil samples from fields to check for the presence of the soybean cyst nematode. How to collect a good SCN soil sample and where to send the samples to be processed are reviewed in this article.

2012 Season is Not a Good One to "Roll the Dice" with SCN

February 20, 2012
Aerial view of severe SCN damage to soybeans

By Greg Tylka, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology

The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is one of Iowa's most serious and persistent soybean pests. The nematode has the potential to cause devastating yield losses, population densities can increase very rapidly within a single growing season, and dormant eggs can survive for more than a decade in infested soils in the absence of soybeans. Random surveys funded by the soybean checkoff in 1995-1996 and again in 2006-2007 revealed that 70 to 75 percent of fields in Iowa are infested with the nematode.

What Does This Warm Winter Mean for Insects?

February 17, 2012
Estimated total snowfall for Iowa

There are many factors that influence successful overwintering of insects and are worth strong consideration when speculating what a warm winter means to chances of increased insect survival.

Strip-tillage Concept and Management

February 13, 2012
Strip Tillage image

Farmers are asking, How does strip-tillage fit with no-till? and How do the yields differ between no-till and strip-till? Concepts and management guides provide answers to these questions.
