Integrated Crop Management News

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Management Tips for Drought-stressed Forages

September 28, 2012

By Stephen K. Barnhart, Department of Agronomy

The Midwest has seen some of the most extreme drought conditions of recent memory. Some rain has come recently for most of this area, but not enough for most of us to feel comfortable. Pastures may still be in poor condition. Many hayfields are showing enough recovery to maybe yield at least one more cutting. Regionally, hay supplies are tight and prices are high. Forage management considerations are many. Here are some things to think about as you prioritize your options.

Aflatoxin and Grain Storage

September 27, 2012

Once grain is dry and cold, Aflatoxin is rarely able to grow. But producers are finding two problematic situations this fall with high moisture variability within fields and bin dryers operated below 120F.

2012 Iowa Harvest Exposure to Mold and Dust in Grain

September 25, 2012

By Chuck Schwab, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Grain dust is always a health concern for Iowa farmers and those working in the grain industry. Drought conditions this year may elevate human and animal health concerns because of increased dust and mold exposure. The Iowa Department of Public Health has issued 2012 Iowa Harvest Exposure to Mold and Dust in Grain, a fact sheet covering the following information.

Grain Management Issues Update

September 20, 2012

Early harvest of corn will require additional cooling cycles to reach desired temperatures. Weather forecasts predict cooler weather in the coming week, providing opportunities to cool corn.

Aflatoxin: Testing Corn

September 6, 2012

Early harvest reports confirm the presenense of aflatoxin in corn. This article, the first in a series of three, tells you what you need to know to avoid sampling errors.

Aflatoxin: Handling Corn

September 6, 2012

Early harvest reports confirm the presenense of aflatoxin in corn. This article, the second in a series of three, tells you what you need to know to direct corn with aflatoxin to appropriate uses.

Aflatoxin: Crop Insurance

September 4, 2012

Early harvest reports confirm the presenense of aflatoxin in corn. This article, the last in a series of three, tells you what you need to know to about making a claim to your insurance company.
