By Jim Fawcett, Extension Field Agronomist
Certified crop advisers (CCAs) can earn five hours of credit (3.0 hours in soil and water management, 1.0 in crop management, 0.5 in pest management and 0.5 in nutrient management) by attending a special CCA morning session, followed by the afternoon spring field day tour at the Southeast Iowa Research and Demonstration Farm near Crawfordsville on June 27.
The morning session will begin at 9 a.m. with a presentation by Mark Carlton, extension field agronomist with Iowa State University, on “Cover Crops – What Are Your Goals?” Also in the morning will be a presentation on “What You Should Know About Corn Suitability Rating 2” by Lee Burras, Iowa State agronomy professor, and will conclude with a presentation by John Sawyer, agronomy professor at Iowa State University with extension and research responsibilities in soil fertility, on “How Can We Meet the Nitrogen Goals of the Nutrient Reduction Strategy?”
Topics covered on the afternoon tour will include: Crop Season Review by Myron Rees, farm superintendent; Crop Weather Outlook and How New Weather Stations Will Benefit Iowa Farmers by Virgil Schmitt, ISU extension field agronomist; Managing Nitrogen in Corn After a Rye Cover Crop by John Sawyer, ISU extension agronomist – soil fertility; and Managing Glyphosate Tolerant Waterhemp in Soybeans by Jim Fawcett, ISU extension field agronomist. Tours will begin at 1 p.m.
Registration for CCAs will begin at 8:30 a.m. The registration fee is $50, which includes lunch. Pre-registration is required. Please pre-register by calling the Johnson County Extension Office at (319) 337-2145 or send an e-mail note to Jim Fawcett at by June 25. The registration fee (cash or check) can be paid at the door. To reach the research farm go 1 3/4 miles south of Crawfordsville on Highway 218, then 2 miles east on G-62, then 3/4 mile north.
Jim Fawcett is a field agronomist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach serving eastern Iowa.
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