Integrated Crop Management News

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Prevented Planting and Crop Cover Considerations

June 19, 2013

By  Stephen K. Barnhart, Department of Agronomy

There continue to be questions about cover crops and prevented planting options. With  the ‘no grazing or harvest until after Nov. 1‘  qualifier, here are my initial thoughts.


‘Spring cereals’ – oats, spring triticale, barley, spring wheat          

Side-hill seeps result in corn emergence problems

June 17, 2013
Fields with reduced stands due to saturated soils

By Roger Elmore and Mahdi Al-Kaisi, Department of Agronomy

Iowa’s wet spring and cool temperatures not only slowed planting progress but also slowed Growing Degree Day accumulations. These factors contributed to yellow corn plants across the state as well as within-row variability in plant to plant growth and development. Seedling diseases reduced stands.

Corn Rootworm Egg Hatch Underway in 2013

June 14, 2013
Predicted corn rootworm egg hatch in Iowa

By Erin Hodgson and Adam Sisson, Department of Entomology

A few areas of Iowa are approaching 50 percent corn rootworm egg hatch now (Figure 1), including the Muscatine area. Many other regions will be reaching 700 degree days within 7-14 days, depending on future temperatures. Cooler spring temperatures in 2013 have slowed down development, especially compared to rootworm hatch last year.

SCN Females Already Seen on Soybean Roots

June 5, 2013
Emerging soybean cyst nematode females

By Greg Tylka, Department of Pathology and Microbiology

The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is one of the most damaging pests of soybean in Iowa and the Midwest. SCN can cause foliar symptoms of soybean sudden death syndrome (SDS) to occur earlier in the season and to become more severe, leading to increased yield losses from the disease.

SCN females on roots marks end of first generation

Late Planting and Replanting Corn - June 2013 (Part 2)

June 4, 2013

Part 2: 2010 and 2011 Field Research Data

By Roger Elmore, Anthony Myers, and Warren Pierson, Graduate Research Assistants Department of Agronomy

Fifteen percent of Iowa’s 2013 corn crop remains unplanted as we write the last week of May. After early concerns about drought continuing to plague us, wet conditions have taken the spotlight. To add insult to injury, more rainfall forecast may refill field ‘ponds’ and re-submerge corn in flood plains of our rivers and streams.

CCA Credit Opportunity – June 27

June 4, 2013

By Jim Fawcett, Extension Field Agronomist

Certified crop advisers (CCAs) can earn five hours of credit (3.0 hours in soil and water management, 1.0 in crop management, 0.5 in pest management and 0.5 in nutrient management) by attending a special CCA morning session, followed by the afternoon spring field day tour at the Southeast Iowa Research and Demonstration Farm near Crawfordsville on June 27.
