By Angela Rieck-Hinz, Department of Agronomy, and Kapil Arora, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the Iowa USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) have scheduled an Advanced RUSLE2 workshop for Sept. 26, 2013, at the Polk County Extension Office in Altoona. This workshop starts at 8 a.m.
This workshop will enable participants to explore practice-based changes that can be implemented to reduce erosion. It will focus on RUSLE2 principles, dividing fields for RUSLE2 and dominant critical area, and understanding tillage operations and conservation practices both in RUSLE2 and the Iowa Phosphorus Index. A special emphasis will focus on combination tillage tools, strip cropping, use of cover crops, and terraced fields. The workshop will also explore the use of different template options in the software for use in watershed planning and the use of shortcut keys.
Registration is currently open only to those participants who have previously attended the Introductory RUSLE2 and Iowa Phosphorus Index workshop. The cost is $200 if registered prior to Sept. 23 or $225 for registration after Sept. 23. Walk-ins are not allowed and registration is limited to 30 people. Participants are required to bring a laptop computer pre-loaded with the most current version of the RUSLE2 and Iowa P-Index software. A total of six credits have been applied for in the Certified Crop Adviser Program and three professional development hours will be available for engineers. Click here to register or to access driving directions or workshop requirements.
Angela Rieck-Hinz is an extension program specialist in the Department of Agronomy and can be reached at 515-294-9590 or Kapil Arora is an agricultural engineering specialist for ISU Extension and Outreach and can be reached at 515-382-6551 or
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