Integrated Crop Management News

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Check for Wireworm Injury When Assessing Corn Stands

May 28, 2015
Wireworm photo

By Rebecca Ahlers, Department of Agronomy and Erin Hodgson, Department of Entomology

While assessing corn stands for black cutworm and armyworm feeding, also consider assessing for wireworm activity. Wireworms injury can leave plants looking wilted or stunted, sometimes even leaving gaps in stands.

True Armyworms Defoliating Corn Seedlings

May 26, 2015
True Armyworm

By Adam J. Varenhorst, Mike Dunbar, Erin Hodgson, Department of Entomology

Scouting for adult true armyworms should occur in May and June in fields that are minimum, no tilled, or contains a cover crop. Feeding occurs on the lower corn leaves and moves upwards, but true armyworms do not bore into stalks.

UAN and Herbicides on Emerged Corn

May 14, 2015

By Bob Hartzler and John Sawyer, Department of Agronomy

Corn planting progressed so quickly in many parts of the state that herbicide applications couldn’t keep up with the planters. Consider options before applying UAN.

Waterhemp’s Big, Bad Brother is Back This Spring

May 10, 2015
Palmer amaranth seedlings

By Meaghan Anderson, ISU Extension Field Agronomist, East Central Iowa

Palmer amaranth’s presence in the state is currently confirmed in five counties. Keep an eye out this summer for this weed with Iowa State’s identification resources.