Inaugural Iowa Soil Health Conference Coming in February 2016

October 14, 2015
ICM News

Conference will be held to increase awareness and understanding of soil health in Iowa

The Inaugural Soil Health Conference, “Strategies for Building Healthy Soils” will be February 2-3, 2016 at the Scheman Building in Ames, Iowa. The conference is a collaborative effort between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service. The goal of this conference is to increase awareness and understanding of soil health as a pivotal measure to sustainable agriculture and environmental quality in Iowa.

“Healthy soils create healthy landscapes, which support healthy communities. Understanding soil health is essential for enhancing food security, providing resiliency to climate variability, protecting environmental quality, and preventing soil degradation for soil security”, said Mahdi Al-Kaisi, professor of agronomy at Iowa State University and chair of the conference organizing committee.

During the two day conference, attendees will be provided with research-based information including strategies for building healthy soils, the relationship between soil health, sustainability and productivity, soil health and climate change and future research and outreach needs.

Those interested in learning more about soil health should plan to attend along with interested farmers, agricultural consultants, agronomists, extension professionals and soil scientists. 

Information provided by speakers during this conference will be useful decision-making resources on how to best manage our soils to build healthy soil for healthy landscapes, communities and economies. The conference has been approved for a total of 17 soil and water Certified Crop Advisers (CCA) credits. 

Visit the conference website at to register. Early registration fee on or before January 16 is $150 per person. After January 16, the fee is $180. For questions about registration, contact Registration Services at 515 294-6222 or email


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