New Weed Identification Field Guide Provides Updated Weed and Herbicide Resistance Information

October 30, 2015
ICM News

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach has released a new version of the Weed Identification Field Guide, first published in 2010, to assist producers and agronomists with accurately identifying weeds in Iowa corn and soybean fields. The Weed Identification Field Guide, 2nd Edition, includes additional weed species and updated information on herbicide resistance management. The guide is now available for purchase online from the Iowa State University Extension Store.

Kristine Schaefer, contributing author of the publication and pesticide safety education program manager at Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, said it was important to amend information about herbicide resistance and management from the first edition, as issues continue to develop.

“One weed added was Palmer amaranth, a new weed to Iowa and one that has shown resistance to glyphosate and other herbicides,” said Schaefer.

The 108-page booklet is organized into five sections: weed management, grass weeds, broadleaf weeds, other weeds, and glossary and index. Each section includes supplemental identification descriptions, enhanced photos, and tools for correctly distinguishing weeds that have similar characteristics.   

“The guide is intended to help producers and agronomists identify weeds in the field without having to go back to the office or check online to confirm identification,” said Schaefer.

The pocket-sized guide contains 35 illustrations and more than 250 high-quality photographs of weeds found in Iowa. Funding for the development of the guide was provided by the United Soybean Board Take Action program and the Iowa Soybean Association.

Printed copies can be purchased online through the Iowa State University Extension Store for $10, and the PDF version can be downloaded for $5.


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