Integrated Crop Management News

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Bacterial Leaf Streak Confirmed in Iowa

August 26, 2016
Bacterial Leaf Streak photo

Bacterial leaf streak (BLS) in corn was recently identified in Iowa. Bacterial leaf streak is a disease caused by Xanthomonas vasicola pv. vasculorum. The disease has been found on field corn, seed corn, popcorn, and sweet corn. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach has been working with the USDA, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS), the Iowa Crop Improvement Association (ICIA) and surveying several counties in the state.

Managing Aphids in Corn

August 23, 2016
Aphids in Corn image

In the past, corn leaf aphid could be a problem during corn tasseling. This species aggregated around the ear and silks, and sometimes their honeydew production interfered with pollination. But natural enemies and the environment rarely let them persist past July. Therefore, economic thresholds for corn leaf aphid are targeted around VT-R1 and mostly for drought-stressed cornfields. Since 2010, aphids have been colonizing corn later in the summer and are building up to striking levels.

Palmer Amaranth in Iowa - What We Know

August 19, 2016
Palmer Amaranth locations in Iowa map

Palmer amaranth was first detected in Iowa in 2013 in Harrison County, and until recently the invasive weed had been found in four additional counties. About a month ago, two landowners (both professional agronomists) detected Palmer amaranth in fields planted in spring 2016 with native seed mixes for conservation purposes. In the time since those July detections, Palmer amaranth has been found in an additional five counties (multiple fields in several of the counties). We think it’s safe to say the calm before the storm has ended.

Bean Leaf Beetle Activity Noted in 2016

August 4, 2016
Bean Leaf Beetle

In April 2016, an ICM News article showed a prediction for higher survivorship of overwintering bean leaf beetles in Iowa. Not surprisingly, I have been finding more bean leaf beetles in my research plots and hearing about adults in commercial soybean this summer. Most people have reported minor defoliation from overwintering and first generation adults, but some scouts are wondering about the potential for second generation injury.