Integrated Crop Management News

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Crop Quality Management for Harvest 2017

December 6, 2017
maximum storage time table

Corn and soybean yields in 2017 were better than expected, which will add to the largest grain surpluses in recent years. As of the November 9, 2017 USDA crop production estimates, national corn yield estimates exceeded 2016 production and were closer to 2016 production in Iowa than preharvest expectations. Soybean yields are estimated to be lower than in the record year of 2016, but total US supply will be larger due to acreage increases.

Over 1,000 SCN-Resistant Soybean Varieties - All but 29 Have PI 88788 Resistance

November 3, 2017
graph showing SCN resistant soybean varieties

Iowa State just released its annually updated list of SCN-resistant soybean varieties online. There are more than 1,000 different named varieties from which to pick. Unfortunately, 973 of the varieties have the same source of resistance genes, on which Iowa SCN populations have built up increased ability to reproduce.

Know Your SCN Numbers

October 28, 2017
sampling area

Now more than ever, farmers need to know if their fields are infested with SCN and at what levels, especially for fields in which soybeans will be grown in 2018. This article explains why and how to determine SCN numbers in fields.

Sampling for Nematodes that Feed on Corn Not Advised in the Fall

October 21, 2017
small corn seedling lying on shovel blade, collected to test for damaging levels of nematodes

Recently there have been many questions about how to check fields for plant-parasitic nematodes that can damage corn. Unfortunately, the situation cannot be accurately assessed with samples collected in the fall. This article discusses when and how to sample for plant-parasitic nematodes that feed on corn.

A Guide to Choosing Corn Hybrids

October 9, 2017

When you think about which hybrids to plant next season, make sure to take into account all the relevant factors. When selecting hybrids, prioritize yield potential and risk management. There are a number of other components to consider as well, including transgenic options, disease tolerance, maturity, grain dry down, standability, stalk quality, and early season vigor ratings.

Fall Marestail (Horseweed) Management

October 2, 2017

Marestail (Conyza canadensis) is one of the most difficult weeds to manage in no-till soybean.  While classified as a winter annual, the plant has significant emergence in both late summer/early fall and in the spring.  This extended emergence period greatly complicates management since the success of postemergence products is closely tied to plant size.  Attempting to control populations at the time of planting often results in control failures as fall-emerged plants are too large for acceptable control.

Corn Grain Dry Down in Field From Maturity to Harvest

September 20, 2017

Corn harvest is fast approaching. This year’s corn maturity is about 5-10 days behind normal. With field dry down occurring in late September and October this year, there is the potential for a later harvest of corn at a higher moisture content. The rule of thumb has been that corn dries at a rate of 0.5 to 1.0% per day in September, 0.25 to 0.5% per day in October, and almost no drying occurring in November. Of course, these rules of thumb can change with favorable or unfavorable weather conditions.

How Fast do Soybeans Dry Down in the Field?

September 19, 2017

Soybean are nearing maturity across Iowa with minimal delay due to cool temperatures compared to 2016. However, soybean sensitivity to day length speeds up crop development towards physiological maturity. During senescence carbohydrates are converted into oils. Soybean seed moisture changes very little, remaining near 60 percent during the de-greening period. As the pods turn to mature color at the beginning of maturity stage (R7), seed dry matter accumulation is complete and seed moisture rapidly decreases.

Nitrogen Considerations with Dry Conditions in 2017

August 28, 2017

The dry conditions in some areas of Iowa in 2017 have raised several soil fertility questions. In some cases, there has been relatively normal crop production and no need for management changes. In other situations with severely damaged crops, there is potential for adjustments for the 2018 corn crop.

Hessian Fly Management in Iowa

August 25, 2017
Hessian fly

With some farmers gaining interest in using cover crops, there are questions about possible pests that may develop when introducing new plants on the farm. Consider these insect-related issues when planting crops in the fall. Hessian fly (Photo 1) is a potentially destructive pest in winter wheat; however, cultural control can minimize the potential damage and economic loss.
