Integrated Crop Management News

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Should You Use a Fungicidal Seed Treatment on Low-Quality Soybean Seed?

December 6, 2018
Diaporthe Seed Decay

With this year’s harvest of soybeans delayed beyond what is considered an ideal window of time, the opportunity for diseases to infect seed pods and in some instances, to the seed itself, was greatly increased. Across the state and the north central region, seed suppliers have reported that this year’s crops of seed soybean are frequently testing positive for the Diaporthe fungus (Phomopsis seed decay), which is resulting in lower than normal germination rates of seed. Seed decay is characterized by cracked, shriveled seed with white chalk-colored mold on the seed surface.

Moving Forward with Dicamba

November 14, 2018

On October 31, 2018, the EPA made the long-awaited announcement regarding dicamba registration for use on dicamba-resistant soybean. I suspect opinions regarding the EPA actions are as varied as people’s views of the technology. Following are pertinent changes on the dicamba labels:

Time to Assess and Take Stock of Your Soil Health

November 13, 2018

As the season approaches its conclusion and harvest conditions are most challenging, there are few things worth remembering to protect and sustain soil health. At this time, soil is susceptible to compaction due to rain and saturated soil conditions. Soils remain saturated longer at this time of the year since water use by crops is negligible and there is low water evaporation due to cool temperatures.

Fewer But More Diverse Choices of SCN-resistant Soybean Varieties for Iowa in 2019

November 4, 2018
Number of SCN-resistant soybean varieties in maturity groups 0, I, II, and III for Iowa farmers – 1991 to 2018. The blue line represents varieties with resistance from PI 88788; the red line represents varieties with resistance from sources other than PI 88788 (primarily Peking).

SCN-resistant soybean varieties are critically important for managing the soybean cyst nematode (SCN). Iowa State University compiles a list of SCN-resistant varieties for Iowa farmers every year. The updated list has just been released, and it contains both fewer and more choices for 2019. Read the article to learn how this is possible.

Let's Talk No-till

October 30, 2018
no-till field

Late harvest and the rush to get grains out of the fields may present an opportunity to rethink the need for tilling fields this fall or not. The question to ask is, “Do I need to till this fall?” Given the economic and environmental challenges farmers are facing, the answer in most cases is no. With harvest under way, now is a good time to start thinking about this decision.

Managing Wet Soybeans in a Late Harvest

October 18, 2018

As of October 14, 2018, Iowa soybean harvest was only about 20% complete, making it the latest soybean harvest on record. This was caused by the prolonged heavy rains in September and early October. As a result, field losses, abnormally high harvest moisture content and moldy/weathered soybeans are all issues this year.

Mycotoxins and Deterioration in the 2018 Corn Crop

October 16, 2018
Fusarium ear rot-fumonisin risk

Above normal rains in September have slowed field crop dry-down. Coupled with early season drought in South Central and Southeast Iowa and above-average rainfall in the Northwest, there is high risk of reduced grain quality. Corn and soybeans remaining in the field are currently exposed to excessive moisture that encourages the growth of ear molds. Moldy kernels are counted in total damage, thereby affecting the overall grade of the corn. Additionally, if the fungus is capable of producing mycotoxins, affected grain may be subject to marketing restrictions.

How to Minimize Soil Compaction During Harvest

October 11, 2018

Rain events during September and October have created challenging conditions not only for timely harvest of corn and soybean crops but also for the impact harvest will have on the soil. These wet conditions coupled with a drop in air temperature will slow harvest operations. Soils are too wet for traffic from heavy equipment, making them susceptible to compaction during harvest operations. When soils are near saturated conditions, heavy equipment loads weaken soil structure where water works as lubricant, leading to the collapse of soil aggregates.

Crop Quality Hurt by Rains

October 8, 2018

This year continues the chain of years with unusual harvest conditions driven by rapid weather changes in the latter part of the growing season. In mid August, crops were significantly ahead of schedule in terms of maturity. Heat and moisture in May and June accelerated the pace of development, to the point that signs of maturity were evident by the 15th of August.

Management of Flood-submerged Grain

September 27, 2018
corn in flooded field

There have been flooded fields with water over the grain in Southwest, Northwest and East Central Iowa this year. This was caused by intense rains over Labor Day and the following weekends. Poor stalk strength causing downed corn has increased the amount of grain covered by flood waters. Grain submerged by uncontrolled flood waters is considered adulterated under the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act. This policy dates to 2008 when grain storage in Cedar Rapids were inundated and has been applied to several situations since then.
