Integrated Crop Management News

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Have Our SCN Sorrows Been Drowned?

June 23, 2019

Those looking for any piece of good news in all of the rain-soaked suffering that has occurred in 2019 have asked “Will all this rain and flooding drown SCN”?  Unfortunately, the answer is “no.” The reasons why are explained. And a small bit of good news about the wet growing season and SCN is offered up in this article as well.

Corn Rootworm Egg Hatch Peaking in Southern Iowa

June 18, 2019
Corn rootworm injury.

Corn rootworm egg hatch in Iowa typically occurs from late May to the middle of June, with an average peak hatching date of June 6 in central Iowa. In 2019, the average hatching date will be behind the average, due to cool spring temperatures. Development is driven by soil temperature and measured by growing degree days. Research suggests about 50% of egg hatch occurs between 684-767 accumulated degree days (base 52°F, soil). Most areas in Iowa have reached peak corn rootworm egg hatch (Fig. 1).

Stalk Borers Worth Scouting in Iowa This Summer

June 18, 2019
2019 degree day map for stalk borer.

Within the last week, I have heard about higher-than-normal stalk borer infestations along field margins compared to previous years. According to degree-day tracking of 2019, the caterpillars should be moving from overwintering hosts to corn throughout Iowa this week.

Submitting Samples to the Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic

June 12, 2019

With the crops of Iowa in the ground, it is time to start thinking about seedling diseases. The Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic is a resource for corn and soybean growers assessing their field  throughout the season.

Making a diagnosis

The first step in managing a plant problem is to know what is causing the symptoms observed. Accurate pathogen or insect pest identification is one of the most important integrated pest management (IPM) tactics leading to a successful management strategy.

Nitrogen Fertilization Options with Delayed or Rescue Applications

June 7, 2019

It’s been a wait-go-stop (repeat) corn planting season this spring. Whether you planted early or are just now getting corn planted, it seems planting windows were short and rushed. In some cases this meant planting (corn/soybean) and worrying later about getting nitrogen (N) applied. And in some areas of Iowa, wetter than normal conditions are raising questions about supplemental N application. What are the options for sidedress N?

It’s Time to Think About Sampling for Nematodes that Feed on Corn

June 6, 2019

It’s time to turn thoughts towards nematodes that feed on corn! It is very common for Iowa corn fields to have several different species of plant-parasitic nematodes present at low numbers. It’s only when numbers are present at damaging levels that symptoms of injury will appear. This article discusses when and how to sample for plant-parasitic nematodes that can damage corn.