Integrated Crop Management News

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Fall Weed Control in Pastures

September 26, 2019

Fall is one of the best times for managing perennial and biennial weeds found in pastures or other areas maintained in perennial grass. As perennials prepare for the upcoming winter they move energy reserves from shoots to their perennial vegetative reproductive structures (e.g. rhizomes, perennial rootstocks). Systemic herbicides applied at this time are translocated along with the energy reserves to the reproductive structures, therefore providing more consistent control than applications made at most other times of the year.  

Corn Earworm Picks up Activity in Iowa

September 23, 2019
Corn earworm.

Corn earworm  (Photo 1) is common in Iowa corn. It is a migratory pest, migrating from the southern and southeastern U.S. every summer. There are two general fights to the Midwest every summer, but the first flight is not of economic concern. Iowa’s corn is more vulnerable to infestation of the second flight, arriving in late July. Yield losses can occur in late-planted cornfields, where caterpillars can infest >50% of plants. It is more common to see corn earworm issues in sweet corn, white corn, popcorn, and seed fields.

Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Waterhemp in Iowa Corn and Soybean Fields

September 20, 2019
Waterhemp infestation in a soybean field in Iowa. September 2019.

The escalating spread of herbicide-resistant weed populations has become a production challenge in the corn-soybean based cropping system of the Midwest. With the evolution of weed resistance to major herbicide groups used in corn and soybean, we have a limited number of herbicide options left, which is even more disconcerting as no new herbicide site of action has been discovered in the past three decades. A new site of action coming to the marketplace in the next 5-8 years would also be a rare event.

Key Tips to Prepare for a Variable Crop Harvest

September 11, 2019

Harvest is quickly approaching and most are anticipating a highly variable corn and soybean crop. Below are some reminders for regular maintenance, adjustments, and final checks to make sure your combine is ready to hit the fields soon.  

Grain Drying Considerations this Fall

September 11, 2019

With delayed planting across the state in 2019, it is important to monitor crop development to determine unique grain drying needs this fall.

Plan Ahead for Potential Harvest and Storage Challenges this Fall

September 11, 2019

With delayed planting across the state, it is important to plan ahead for potential harvest challenges. Scout your fields for crop development to determine whether you might have potential problems with immature, frost-damaged grain, and wet grain.

Potential challenges:

Frost-damaged soybean will have a slower dry-down in the field and may produce green/yellow soybean with above-normal shrink from drying. The green color may subside within two weeks of maturity if allowed to dry in the field or after several weeks of aeration.

Plan Ahead to Minimize Soil Compaction During Harvest

September 10, 2019
Ruts made when harvesting soybean under saturated soil conditions

While there is significant uncertainty about this year’s harvest weather, the struggles with previous year soil compaction may still be lurking in corn and soybean fields across Iowa. This article will highlight challenges with wet conditions at harvest and opportunities to minimize the long-term consequences of harvesting fields with wet soils.

Nutrient Removal When Harvesting Corn Stover

September 10, 2019

Increasing demand to use corn plant biomass for producing energy and various products has spurred interest in harvesting corn stover and specific plant components in addition to grain. Harvesting more biomass means increased carbon (C) and other nutrient removal from fields. What is the nutrient removal when different corn plant components are harvested?

Can Weed Seed Production be Reduced with Late-season Herbicide Applications?

August 30, 2019

Problems caused by unfavorable conditions this season have resulted in greater than normal weed escapes. These weeds may reduce crop yields and definitely will contribute to future weed problems via new seed. While it is too late to protect crop yields, a common question is whether herbicides can be used to reduce the quantity of viable weed seed produced by weeds. While there is no simple answer due to the many different scenarios across the state, in most situations late-season applications are not warranted.  

Upper Soybean Leaves Began Showing Potassium Deficiency Symptoms Since Early August in Some Iowa Fields

August 23, 2019
Soybean potassium deficiency symptoms at early vegetative growth stages.

Since early August, soybean in several fields began showing typical potassium (K) deficiency symptoms on leaves located in the middle to upper canopy. This is not surprising in fields or portions of fields with soil-test values in the very low or low K soil-test interpretation categories that did not receive adequate preplant K fertilization. Potassium deficiency symptoms are well-known and very common in older leaves during early growth stages.
