Integrated Crop Management News

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Time to Scout for Corn Rootworm Larvae

June 17, 2009
Table of labeled post-emergent insecticides for corn rootworm larvae

Neighboring states are reporting corn rootworm larval hatch - which means it is time for Iowa growers to scout and determine if a rescue treatment is needed.

Degree Days - Cool Weather Continues

June 16, 2009
Image of base 50 degree F degree days in regions of Iowa from May 1 to June 14, 2009

By Rich Pope, Department of Plant Pathology

A third straight week of cooler than average weather has slowed crop progress across Iowa. Sporadic rainfall has limited field work, and for many fields weeds are a growing concern (pun intended). There has been slow weed response to herbicides, especially with glyphosate. The answer to this lies in getting some warmer weather to stimulate growth. So patience is a virtue.

June 15 Crop and Weather Report

June 16, 2009

By Doug Cooper, Extension Communications

Two words summarize the crop conversations this week — cold and weeds. Iowa State University Extension weed specialist Bob Hartzler, integrated pest management specialist Rich Pope, and soybean agronomist Palle Pedersen discuss the influence of both on Iowa crops during this week's crop and weather report.

Hartzler says the cool and wet weather is allowing weeds to get a jump on planted fields this spring. Farmers need to keep an eye on weed development to maintain maximum yields this year.

Some Producers are Now Discovering Winter-Injured Hay Fields

June 15, 2009

By Stephen K. Barnhart, Department of Agronomy

Some producers apparently made their spring hay field winter injury assessment from afar because now they are finding that their hay fields are coming up short on stand density and hay yields.

Seedling Diseases Update

June 12, 2009

By XB Yang, Department of Plant Pathology

This spring's cool and wet weather, with accumulated degree days behind average, favors seedling diseases. Fungal pathogens have been reported to cause poor seedling stands in both corn and soybean fields .

Infected soybean seedlings are rotted and can easily be pulled from the soil. Infected corn roots are discolored, soft or mushy. Mesocotyles also may have a brown discoloration. Infected corn seedlings often appear yellow or stunted.

Soybean Rust Stirring in the South

June 12, 2009
Map of current distribution of soybean rust in 2009

Check points help researchers and producers anticipate the dispersal of soybean rust spores. Current distribution is mapped for easy tracking.
