Field Specialists

Field Agronomist in Central Iowa
(319) 331-0058
Field Agronomist in NC Iowa
(641) 426-6801
Field Agronomist in NE Iowa
(319) 523-2371
Field Agronomist in NC Iowa
(515) 231-2830
Field Agronomist in SW Iowa
(712) 243-1132
Field Agronomist in SE Iowa
(563) 263-5701
Field Agronomist in NW Iowa
Field Agronomist in EC Iowa
(319) 653-4811
Field Agronomist in WC Iowa
(641) 430-2600

Corn Campus Specialists

Professor of Integrated Cropping Systems
(515) 294 7413
Assistant Professor, Extension Specialist
+1 515 294 3700
Professor, Extension Entomologist Specialist , ANR Crops Team Leader
(515) 294-2847
Professor, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
(515) 294-8629
Associate Professor, Extension Cropping Systems Specialist
(515) 294-0877
Professor of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Extension Field Crops Pathologist
(515) 294-6708
Assistant Professor, Extension Nitrogen Science and Soil Fertility Specialist