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Crop Production
Equipment and Machinery
Grain Handling and Storage
Insects and Mites
Pesticide Education
Plant Diseases
-Soil Fertility
-Soil Management
-Herbicide Resistance
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Minor crops
Biomass and Forage
Cover Crop
A brief history of Canada thistle in Iowa
Absorption of foliar-applied herbicides
Absorption of Soil-Applied Herbicides
Adaptation in Weeds - Dandelion
Adjust planters when working in wetter soil
Adjusting planting soil depth for better germination
Alfalfa Mosaic
Alfalfa Weevil
Anhydrous application and dry soils
Annual ryegrass as a cover crop
Anthracnose Leaf Blight
Anthracnose Stalk Rot
Anthracnose Stem Blight
Application checkpoints for fall ammonia
Apply When Actively Growing?
Are Roundup Ready weeds in your future?
Asian Soybean Rust
Asiatic dayflower
Aspergillus Ear Rot of Corn
Assess soybean disease risk in spring planting
Bacterial Blight
Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn
Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn
Bacterial Pustule
Bacterial Stalk Rot
Bean Leaf Beetle
Bean Pod Mottle
Before applying fungicides to corn: Stop! Look! Consider!
Biennial thistles of Iowa
Black Cutworm
Black medic
Blackseed and broadleaf plantain
Brown Spot - Septoria Leaf Blight
Brown Stem Rot
Buckhorn plantain
Bull thistle
Bush honeysuckle
Can residue be managed successfully with no-till?
Can total postemerge programs provide optimal yield?
Canada thistle
Carbon and nitrogen cycling with corn biomass harvest
Carbon credits and conservation practices
Carbon sequestration
Catchweed bedstraw
Cercospora Leaf Blight
Cereal rye, winter wheat, triticale as a cover crop
Charcoal Rot
Charcoal Rot
Check equipment calibration before planting
Choosing cultivation for dry soils
Cladosporium Ear Rot of Corn
Cold Hardiness of Insects and the Impact of Fluctuating Temperatures
Common and cutleaf teasel
Common buckthorn
Common burdock
Common chickweed
Common cocklebur
Common dandelion
Common lambsquarters
Common mallow
Common milkweed
Common mullein
Common pokeweed
Common ragweed
Common Rust
Common Smut
Common sunflower
Conservation buffers and water quality
Conservation buffers can improve water quality
Conservation planning and environmental issues
Conservation planning for 2004
Consider carbon sequestration on your farm
Consider nematode feeding as cause for poor corn growth
Consider permanent vegetation for steeply sloping soils
Consider residue management options for 2003
Corn and soybean responses to deep-band phosphorus and potassium
Corn Following Corn Management
Corn Growth Classic Rewritten and Available to Order
Corn Growth Stages
Corn Hybrid Selection
Corn leaf potassium deficiency symptoms
Corn pollination: effect of high temperature and stress
Corn replant checklist
Corn response to supplemental nitrogen
Corn Yield Estimates
Cornstalk nitrate interpretation
Cowpeas as a cover crop
Crazy Top
Critical periods of competition in corn
Critical periods of competition in corn
Crop rotation considerations for 2004 management season rotation
Crop water use or evapotranspiration
Crop-specific cultivating tillage
Curly dock
Dealing with wet soils
Delayed planting: Hybrids adjust to planting dates
Diagnosing Stewart's disease in field corn
Diaporthe (formerly Phomopsis) Seed Decay
Diplodia Ear Rot in Corn
Diplodia Stalk Rot
Disease management in corn-following-corn fields
Do I need to till my soil?
Does dry weather limit tillage options?
Don't double dip soybean
Downy brome
Downy Mildew
Dry fall conditions can lead to field fires
Early season scouting
Early-season weed competition
Eastern black nightshade
Effect of carrier pH on Accent activity
Effect of frost on pasture weed control
Effect of residual herbicides on cover crop establishment
Effect of the crop canopy on spray coverage
Effectiveness of Using Multiple Sites of Action To Manage Resistance
EPA Announces Final Revisions to Worker Protection Standard Regulations
Equipment considerations for producing corn after corn
Equipment considerations: anhydrous ammonia
Equipment considerations: dry granular fertilizer
Equipment considerations: liquid fertilizer
Equipment maintenance: Fertilizer applicators
Equipment maintenance: Planters
Equipment maintenance: time to check the combine
Equisetum: Biology and Management
Estimating losses when cornstalk fields are accidentally burnt
Estimating nitrogen losses -- early spring 2007
European Corn Borer
Evaluating soil moisture before field preparation and planting
Evaluating spray equipment for improved fungicide application
Fall panicum
Fall tillage and tillage equipment
Fate of weed seeds in the soil
Field bindweed
Field horsetail
Field observations are key when planning spring work
Field pennycress
Field soil variability and its impact on crop stand uniformity
Field testing of N-Hibit™ seed treatment in 2007 for management of SCN in Iowa
Flooded or saturated fields - corn survival
Foliar fertilization of soybean: Is it useful to supplement primary fertilization?
Foxtail barley
Frequent tillage and its impact on soil quality
Frogeye Leaf Spot
Frost - Impact on early corn growth (before V4)
Fungicide application to corn at tasseling
Fungicide Seed Treatment
Fusarium Ear Rot
Fusarium Stalk Rot
Fusarium Wilt and Root Rot
Garlic mustard
Getting to Know Popular Insecticides Used in Iowa Field Crops
Giant foxtail
Giant ragweed
Giant ragweed emergence patterns
Gibberella Ear Rot
Gibberella Stalk Rot
Glyphosate - A Review
Goss's Wilt and Leaf Blight
Gray Leaf Spot
Green foxtail
Ground ivy (Creeping Charlie)
Group 4 (Growth regulator herbicides) Resistance in Weeds
Growing Degree Days for Insect Pests
Gypsum: an old product with a new use
Hairy galinsoga
Hairy vetch as a cover crop
Harvest equipment considerations
Harvesting lodged corn
Has the best time to plant corn changed?
Head Smut
Hedge bindweed
Hemp dogbane
Herbicide Residues in Soybean Following Drift
Holcus Leaf Spot
Honeyvine milkweed
Horseweed (marestail)
How did your waterways fare this spring?
How fast can corn dry down?
How many seeds does it really take to get 100,000 plants per acre at harvest?
How residue removal affects nutrient cycling
How to evaluate soil moisture in the field
How to interpret SCN soil test results
How to reduce potential soil erosion early in the spring
Identification, biology and management of Colorado potato beetle
Imbibitional chilling or cold injury
Impact of cold, wet weather for Iowa corn production
Impact of Early-Season Weed Competition On Corn Nitrogen Needs
Impact of soil management practices on yield
Importance of timely scouting for weeds
Imported Longhorned Weevil
Increasing the frequency of corn in crop sequences: Grain yield and response to nitrogen -- a research update
Influence of Corn on Waterhemp Growth
Influence of preharvest herbicide applications on seed viability
Inspecting drainage systems
Install and maintain terraces for conservation
Integrating conservation tillage and manure management to improve water quality
Interpreting results of the Mehlich-3 ICP Soil Phosphorus Test
Iowa's Noxious Weed Law: Chapter 317
Is it iron or potassium deficiency?
Is there such a thing as a Superweed?
Is tillage needed for your soybean crop?
Ivyleaf morningglory
Japanese Beetle in Corn and Soybean
Japanese knotweed
Kernel Size and Shape
Kernels set early in season
Large crabgrass
Leafy spurge
Lodging: mid- to late-season
LP gas drying estimate
Maize Dwarf Mosaic
Management of phosphorus for crop production
Managing pasture to reduce soil erosion
Managing soils under dry conditions
Managing weeds to protect crop yields
Managing your pasture to reduce soil erosion
Methods for measuring crop residue
Mid-May and 77% of corn acres are in the ground
Multiflora rose
Multiflora Rose and Rose Rosette Disease
Multiple ears per node: Iowa 2006 situation & hypothesis
Musk thistle
Needle nematode damage to corn
Nematodes damage corn
Nematodes in corn production: A growing problem?
New concept for promoting conservation tillage systems
New cyst nematode species on corn
Nitrogen loss: How does it happen?
Nitrogen losses after the heavy rains
Non-competitive effects of weeds on corn
Northern Corn Leaf Blight
Northern Corn Leaf Spot
Now's the time to control biennial weeds
Nutrient removal when harvesting corn stover
Nutrient removal when harvesting corn stover
Nutrient requirements - soybean
Oats as a cover crop
Palmer amaranth
Palmer amaranth: ID, biology and management
Pay attention to management needs of fertilizer products
Pay attention to water management
Penicillium Ear Rot of Corn
Pennsylvania smartweed
Perceived risks and decisions to adopt precision farming methods (an introduction)
Perspectives on herbicide resistance
Phosphorus - Why the concern about water quality?
Phosphorus Basics
Phosphorus in aquatic systems
Phyllosticta Leaf Spot
Physoderma Brown Spot
Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot
Plan for 2002 residue before harvest
Planning tillage for 2001
Plant color differences based on management and weather
Plant coloring differences based on management and weather
Plant growth hormones
Plant population considerations for corn following corn
Plant uniformity - corn
Plant uniformity measurements
Planter speed affect on plant spacing
Planting Date Considerations for Corn Following Corn
Planting Date Trends
Pod and Stem Blight of Soybean
Point - Counterpoint
Poison hemlock
Poison ivy
Ponding Impacts on Corn Growth & Development
Ponding Impacts on Soybean Growth & Development
Post-plant nitrogen applications on corn
Post-planting cultivation in a conservation plan
Post-planting tillage: What are the options?
Potassium deficiency symptoms in corn
Potassium deficiency symptoms in corn and soybean: What can we do about them?
Potato Leafhopper
Potential disease problems in corn following corn
Powdery Mildew
Preventing soil erosion after spring rains
Prickly lettuce
Prickly sida
Producers Face Mixed Bag of Late Harvest Issues
Projected dry weather limits tillage options
Prostrate knotweed
Prostrate spurge
Purple Seed Stain of Soybean
Pythium Root Rot
Pythium Stalk Rot
Radish as a cover crop
Rapeseed as a cover crop
Rapid Growth Syndrome
Recent study brings "good news" about the soybean aphid
Red clover as a cover crop
Redroot pigweed
Remember 50 degrees
Reporting a Suspected Herbicide Injury Incident
Research Update: Mid-Season Fungicide on Corn
Residue management and manure application
Residue removal and potential environmental consequences
Resolved isomers explained
Revisiting an integrated approach to bean leaf beetle and bean pod mottle virus management
Rhizoctonia Root Rot
Risk of aflatoxin contamination increases with hot and dry growing conditions
Role of spray adjuvants with postemergence herbicides
Root Rots
Rootless corn
Rootless corn syndrome
Row spacing - corn
Row Spacing for Corn
Row Spacing for Soybean
Russian thistle
Saturated and flooded corn fields
Sclerotinia Stem Rot (White Mold)
Scouring rush
Sediment and total maximum daily loads
Seed Decay and Seedling Blight
Seed Inoculation
Seed production following mowing in a summer annual
Seed treatments in soybean: Managing bean leaf beetles
Seedcorn Maggot
Seeding rate relative to seed cost
Seeding Rates in Relation to Maximum Yield and Seed Costs
Septoria Brown Spot
Sericea lespedeza
Site-specific tillage choices management
Smilax (greenbriar)
Soil calcium:magnesium ratios
Soil compaction may be cutting into your yield
Soil crust-busters
Soil erosion and crop productivity: topsoil thickness
Soil erosion and water quality
Soil erosion and water quality
Soil erosion: An agricultural production challenge
Soil erosion: effect on soil productivity
Soil moisture conditions -- consideration for soil compaction
Soil moisture conditions in late spring 2001
Soil resources of phosphorus
Southern Rust
Soybean Anthracnose
Soybean Aphid
Soybean Cyst Nematode
Soybean Cyst Nematode
Soybean cyst nematode may cause soybeans to mature early
Soybean Gall Midge
Soybean Growth Stages
Soybean Mosaic Virus
Soybean Replant Checklist
Soybean response to sublethal doses of 2,4-D and dicamba
Soybean seeding rates: The balance between cost and yield
Soybean Variety Selection
Soybean Yield Estimates
Spatial weed distribution: Can it be used to improve weed management
Spiny sowthistle
Spring - soil's most vulnerable season
Spring farm fuel savings
Spring rain and soil erosion
Spring tillage preparation
Spring wind erosion and residue management
Stalk Borer
Stand Assessments - Corn
Stand Assessments - Soybean
Status and concerns for glyphosate resistance
Stem Canker
Stewart's Disease
Still don’t think you need integrated weed management?
Storing fungicides safely
Storing soybean
Storms roll through Iowa causing crop damage
Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS)
Survey: Iowa no-till holds steady
Take a break and measure crop residue
Tar Spot of Corn
The Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test: Should it be used in Iowa?
The importance of an even start
The role of pasture in conservation management
Think before you till
Thistle Caterpillar
Those who cannot remember the past...
Tillage challenges in managing continuous corn
Tillage equipment maintenance
Tillage implement design and its effect on soil
Tillage in 2001: Consider the options
Tillage in 2001: Fall strip-tillage
Tillage in 2001: No-till
Tillage in 2002 - consider the options
Tillage management critical to profit
Tillage not found to affect plant space uniformity
Time to evaluate fall soil conditions
Timing cultivation to complement conservation plans
Tobacco Ringspot of Soybean
Tobacco Streak of Soybean
Top dieback in corn: Is anthracnose the cause?
Trichoderma Ear Rot of Corn
Two Applications are Better than One
Twospotted Spider Mites
Uneven corn heights
Use conservation buffers to make dollars and sense
Use the rotary hoe for soil crusting
Using precision agriculture to improve soil fertility management and on-farm research
Value of crop rotation in nitrogen management
Value of Iowa's wetlands
Venice mallow
Virginia creeper
Virus-induced soybean seed problems
Volunteer for IOWATER
Watch for damage from broadcast postemerge UAN applications
Water quality in the eastern Iowa basins
Weed Control in Pastures
Weed emergence patterns
Weed Identification Fact Sheets
Weed management in a dry spring
Weed seed predation in agricultural fields
Weed watch: Wild parsnip and poison hemlock
Wet conditions: Challenges and opportunities
Wet soils and potential compaction
Wet soils vulnerable to compaction
Wet weather raises corn quality concerns
What about N losses in 2000?
What is the best seeding rate for corn based on seed prices and yield level?
What's the yield effect of uneven corn heights?
What's your type?: An HG type test for SCN populations
White Mold
White thistles invade Iowa
Why conservation systems are the right choice this fall
Why in the World is Enlist Corn Resistant to the Fop Herbicides?
Why manage phosphorus?
Why two if one will do?
Wild buckwheat
Wild carrot
Wild four-o' clock
Wild four-o-clock
Wild parsnip
Wild violet (Common blue violet)
Will a cereal rye cover crop suppress your weeds?
Winter annual weeds and SCN: What's the connection?
Winter grazing and pasture erosion
Woolly cupgrass
Yellow foxtail
Yellow nutsedge
Yellow woodsorrel