European corn borer field day

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 8:30am to 4:00pm

Join us for a field day focused on European corn borer, an old pest that might pose new problems to farmers. We plan to review identification, scouting, and management with interactive demonstrations.

European corn borer larva.


Morning Session

8:30 AM Check-in and morning refreshments
9:00 AM Welcome, introductions, and announcements
9:15 AM Classroom session - review of ECB and current issues
10:00 AM Break - walk to field plots
10:15 AM Field session - rotate through stations: trapping and detection, first-generation scouting, and second-generation scouting
12:00 PM Lunch and adjourn morning session

Afternoon Session

12:15 PM Check-in and lunch
1:00 PM Welcome, introductions, and announcements
1:15 PM Classroom session - review of ECB and current issues
2:00 PM Break - walk to field plots
2:15 PM Field session - rotate through stations: trapping and detection, first-generation scouting, and second-generation scouting
4:00 PM Adjourn

Featured Presenters

Along with Erin Hodgson and Ashley Dean from Iowa State University, there will be three USDA-ARS entomologists with extensive ECB experience: Tom Sappington, Brad Coates, and Craig Abel.


For assistance with registration or questions about the program, please contact Erin Hodgson ( or 515-294-2847) or Ashley Dean ( or 515-447-3766).


Register here:

You only need to register for ONE session; both sessions feature the same topics.

The event is offered at no cost to you, and lunch and CEUs will be provided.

Pre-registration is required for this event by July 10.
