
This soil health field guide provides information about soil health and its importance to sustainable agriculture systems. The research-based information in this soil health guide highlights the relationships between soil characteristics in an easy to understand format that is useful to farmers, agronomists, agricultural consultants, soil scientists, technical service providers, and extension educators. This soil health field guide is the product of the collaborative efforts of Iowa State University and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Iowa.
Getting to Know the Insects, an introductory publication about crop insect biology, identification, and scouting. It includes information about the life cycle of common crop insects, how to scout for insects, and different collecting techniques.
Palmer Amaranth Identification
Palmer amaranth has been identified both in crop fields and in conservation plantings using native seed mixes. Early detection is essential in order to prevent the new weed from getting permanently established in fields where it has been introduced. This publication will help people new to Palmer amaranth differentiate it from waterhemp and the other weedy pigweeds found in Iowa.
Bacterial leaf streak, caused by Xanthomonas vasicola pv. Vasculorum, was recently identified in Iowa. The disease has been found in field corn, seed corn, popcorn and sweet corn. Based on what we know about other bacterial diseases, the pathogen that causes bacterial leaf streak likely survives in corn residue and is spread by wind and rain/irrigation. The impacts on corn yield production are yet to be determined.
This revised, 158-page pocket-sized guide (3-3/4" x 6") combines the Corn Field Guide and Soybean Field Guide in one publication for ease of use by corn and soybean farmers, agronomists, and crop scouts. Newly updated text and images provide the tools for identifying insects, diseases, and disorders of corn and soybean in the Midwest. The guide also contains information on developmental stages, pesticide decisions, and other production-related topics. This publication is constructed of durable, weather-safe materials to withstand regular use in the field.
A Farmer's Guide to Corn Diseases
A Farmer's Guide to Corn Diseases provides an overview of the corn diseases that currently occur in the United states and Canada, with an emphasis on diagnosing diseases in the field. Information for each disease includes symptoms and signs, conditions that favor disease, similar looking diseases and disorders, and a review of basic management options. The book also contains a diagnostic key and disease distribution maps. Published by APS Press, A Farmer's Guide to Corn Diseases was developed by Iowa State University in partnership with several other universities.
A Farmer's Guide to Soybean Diseases
A Farmer'€™s Guide to Soybean Diseases provides an overview of the soybean diseases that currently occur in the United states and Canada, with an emphasis on diagnosing diseases in the field. Information for each disease includes symptoms and signs, conditions that favor disease, similar-looking diseases and disorders, and a review of basic management options. The book also contains a diagnostic key and disease distribution maps. Published by APS Press, A Farmer'€™s Guide to Soybean Diseases was developed by Iowa State University in partnership with several other universities.
Digital Ag | Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
The Digital Ag team is a diverse group of graduate students and professional staff with backgrounds in agricultural, electrical and software engineering, as well as agricultural systems technology and agronomy. Team members specialize in tillage, planting, application and harvest operations. The group is part of the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department at Iowa State University (link) and operates out of the BioCentury Research Farm (link).
USDA - National Agricultural Statistics Service - Iowa
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information. NASS publications cover a wide range of subjects, from traditional crops, such as corn and wheat, to specialties, such as mushrooms and flowers; from calves born to hogs slaughtered; from agricultural prices to land in farms. The agency has the distinction of being known as The Fact Finders of U.S. Agriculture due to the abundance of information we produce.
Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic
The Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic provides diagnosis of plant problems (plant diseases, insect damage, and assessment of herbicide damage) and the identification of insects and weeds from the field, garden, and home. The PIDC is a joint effort between Iowa State University Extension Plant Pathology, Entomology, Horticulture, and Agronomy.
Soybean Research and Information Network
Your source for information regarding soybean diseases, pests, diagnostic tools and more. Read curated summaries and highlights of the latest research.
Welcome to the ISU Seed Laboratory | Seed Laboratory
Housed in the Seed Science Center on the Iowa State University campus, and directed by Dr. Manjit Misra, the Seed Laboratory has a proud history of excellence in seed testing, training, and customer service dating back more than 100 years.
IMPACT: Managing Weeds, Insects and Diseases - YouTube
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is helping Iowa farmers manage weeds, insects and diseases in their fields. Pest management is key to high yield and quality grain.
Experts from Iowa and surrounding states will provide research updates and results in soil fertility, soil and water management, crop production and pest management.
The ag drainage and water quality research site near Gilmore City, Iowa has been operating for over 25 years to improve the quality of water in Iowa. Funds p...
Introductory information about the symptoms, distribution, and management of SCN infestations.
Drs. Matt O’Neal and Erin Hodgson created a podcast to promote IPM concepts, like identification, sampling, economic thresholds, and insecticide efficacy. They also talk about updates on invasive pests and regulatory news, and translate new research relative to insects in agriculture.
Welcome to the Iowa State University Agronomy Extension Soil Fertility Home Page. Nutrient topics are listed on the left side. Simply click on a topic of interest and you can find information about that topic, including Extension publications, newsletter articles, conference proceedings and reports, presentations, and links to other related sites. Links also provide access to soil fertility decision aid tools, a photo gallery, and the ISU Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory.
This webinar is an hour long presentation that covers three topics: 1) Soil health basic concept and soil functions, and soil physical and biological indicators by Al-Kaisi 2) Application of management practices for improving soil biology as an essential component of soil health by Rick Bednarek, state soil scientist with USDA-NRCS 3) Planning and resource management to enhance and protect soil heath, by Doug Peterson, Iowa and Missouri Regional Soil Health Specialist with the National Soil Health Division of the NRCS.
Foundation Seed
The Committee for Agricultural Development is located in Ames, Iowa and provides Foundation Seed of the germplasm developed at Iowa State University, as well as offering other services to benefit agriculture.
The Field Extension Education Laboratory, located in Boone, Iowa, is a 23-acre teaching and demonstration facility dedicated to providing a hands-on learning experience for crop production professionals. This facility has demonstrations used in a variety of programs held throughout the summer months. In these plots, we can show a wide range of management problems, solutions, and diagnostic challenges. It has air-conditioned classroom facilities that complement the in-field sessions, all of which are within walking distance.
Crops publications at the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Store.
Real-time measurements and forecasts for weather, soil water and nitrogen, crop water and nitrogen, yield predictions, crop stage and heat/frost stress.
This web site provides a process to calculate economic return to N application with different nitrogen and corn prices and to find profitable N rates directly from recent N rate research data. The method used follows a regional approach for determining corn N rate guidelines that is implemented in several Corn Belt states.
Certified Crop Adviser Examination-Online Review Course
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, with support from the Iowa Certified Crop Advisers Board, has developed and is now offering an online review course for individuals taking the Iowa CCA Examination. This course is offered exclusively online - there is no live, classroom component. See the requirements section for additional technology requirements. The official Iowa Certified Crop Adviser exam is offered twice a year; February and August.
The Iowa Grain Quality Initiative (IGQI) is a cutting edge grain quality research and information program. The interdisciplinary project performs the "rapid response function" at ISU for the grain industry. Through diverse expertise of affiliated faculty and the use of information technology, the project has addressed grain production and processing topics quickly, giving producers and agribusinesses the information needed to make business decisions. Challenges related to genetically modified grains have accelerated the use of alternative delivery systems.
The goal of the Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) is to provide educational information throughout Iowa on the safe and effective use of pesticides. PSEP is responsible for Pesticide Applicator Continuing Instructional Courses (CIC’s) in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS). Other programs that PSEP is involved in include integrated pest management, worker protection, environmental quality, and agricultural health.
Soybean Planting Decision Tool
Choosing soybean maturities and when to plant soybeans are two critical decisions that farmers make each year. Typically, soybean variety selection occurs months before soybean planting occurs. An added complexity in the decision making is the weather conditions at the time of planting. Each year farmers are faced with the decision of planting into marginal conditions or the potential of late planting. Also, spring and early season weather sometimes forces farmers to replant soybeans later than ideal planting windows.
The International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds monitors the evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds throughout the world. The site is a global collaboration between weed scientists with a common goal of understanding, preventing and managing the occurrence of herbicide-resistant weeds.
Iowa State Weed Science Online
Articles and additional information regarding weeds provided by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the Department of Agronomy
Iowa State University, Iowa Environmental Mesonet
Our College is one of the world’s leading institutions of agriculture and related sciences, building on more than 150 years of excellence. The College’s leadership in science, education and extension are vital to the future of Iowa, the nation and the world. Our research and extension programs provide the innovation and science-based foundation needed for decisions about our future. We look forward to building on a legacy of many strengths and taking on new, exciting opportunities.
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach helps carry Iowa State’s land-grant mission beyond campus, to be the university that best serves its state. ISU Extension and Outreach’s Fundamental Principles: Our core purpose is to engage citizens through research‐based educational programs. We extend the resources of Iowa State University across our state. We accomplish our goals by developing diverse and meaningful partnerships.
Agronomy at ISU offers undergraduate programs that lead to degrees in five areas of emphasis ranging from agroecology to business to biotechnology. M.S. and Ph.D. programs are available in agricultural meteorology, agronomy (M.S. only), crop production and physiology, plant breeding, and six areas of specialization within soil science. Faculty and staff are involved in research that builds the body of scientific knowledge, ranging from very basic molecular-level projects to applied, field-oriented projects.
Agronomic Crops Network
The goal of C.O.R.N. is to provide Ohio's crop industry with the quickest, most accurate information to deal with changing crop conditions. C.O.R.N. is produced through a weekly telephone conference and sent via e-mail and fax to hundreds of Ohio farmers and input industry personnel. C.O.R.N. content is the basis for newsletters, and other mass media efforts in Extension. In one way or another, almost every crop producer in Ohio has been exposed to information from this newsletter.
Our Mission: We partner to end extreme poverty and to promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing our security and prosperity.
The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) links U.S. agriculture to the world to enhance export opportunities and global food security.
 In addition to its Washington, D.C. staff, FAS has a global network of 96 offices covering 167 countries. These offices are staffed by agricultural attachés and locally hired agricultural experts who are the eyes, ears, and voice for U.S. agriculture around the world. FAS staff identify problems, provide practical solutions, and work to advance opportunities for U.S. agriculture and support U.S. foreign policy around the globe.
NRCS works with farmers, ranchers and forest landowners across the country to help them boost agricultural productivity and protect our natural resources through conservation.
The ERS mission is to inform and enhance public and private decision making on economic and policy issues related to agriculture, food, the environment, and rural development. With over 300 employees, The Economic Research Service is a primary source of economic information and research in the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information. NASS publications cover a wide range of subjects, from traditional crops, such as corn and wheat, to specialties, such as mushrooms and flowers; from calves born to hogs slaughtered; from agricultural prices to land in farms. The agency has the distinction of being known as The Fact Finders of U.S. Agriculture due to the abundance of information we produce.
We provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management.
The Statistics Division of FAO has launched a new version of FAOSTAT, which is part of the organization's mission to improve data collection and dissemination for development and the fight against global hunger and malnutrition.
 The new platform continues to offer free and easy access to data for 245 countries and 35 regional areas from 1961 through the most recent year available. Enhanced features include browsing and analysis of data, an advanced interactive data download, and enhanced data exchange through web services.
Achieving food security for all is at the heart of FAO's efforts – to make sure people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. Our three main goals are: the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition; the elimination of poverty and the driving forward of economic and social progress for all; and, the sustainable management and utilization of natural resources, including land, water, air, climate and genetic resources for the benefit of present and future generations.
Iowa Crop Improvement Association (ICIA) is the seed certifying agency for Iowa. ICIA is a non-profit organization composed of members working in agriculture and interested in crop improvement.
ASTA | The American Seed Trade Association
The seed industry's leading advocate for the research, development and movement of quality seed to meet the world's demand for food, feed, fiber and fuel.
The National Corn Growers Association increases opportunities for American Corn Growers
The Iowa Corn Promotion Board (ICPB), works to develop and defend markets, fund research, and provide education about corn and corn products. The Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA) is a membership organization lobbying on agricultural issues on behalf of its 8,000 members. Both organizations work on the joint mission to create opportunities for long-term Iowa corn grower profitability.
Corn Growth and Development is an updated and expanded publication and includes whole plant photography, detailed descriptions of vegetative and reproductive development, and dry matter and nutrient accumulation figures. Corn Growth and Development replaces the long-standing publication, How A Corn Plant Develops (SR 0048).
