
Alfalfa Weevil

Encyclopedia Article

The larvae and adults of alfalfa weevil (Hypera postica) are the primary defoliators in alfalfa. Heavy infestations can reduce tonnage and forage quality. Use this article to learn how to identify alfalfa weevil and properly scout for and manage this pest.


Adult: Adult alfalfa weevils are approximately ¼ inch long beetles with a blunt “snout,” thick golden hairs covering the body, and a distinct dark, narrow stripe down the back (Photo 1).

Record Year for Alfalfa Weevil

June 10, 2021 1:36 PM
Blog Post

Most people are already finished with their first cutting of alfalfa throughout Iowa, but each of our 10 field agronomists reports that alfalfa weevil activity continues and has been much worse than they’ve seen in over a decade. Lance Scott in southwest Iowa took this short video to show significant injury. Alfalfa weevil only has one generation per year.

Aphids Observed in Alfalfa Fields

June 5, 2020

Alfalfa weevils aren’t the only insect pest being found in alfalfa fields this spring. Reports of aphids, particularly cowpea aphids and pea aphids, have been made around the state. This article will discuss identifying the common aphid species found in Iowa as well as scouting and management recommendations for aphids in alfalfa.